Realistically - Is Being a Full-Time Hive Blogger Feasible?

in OCD8 months ago (edited)

Living the Dream

Ever since I joined the platform back in 2017 I have wondered if it would be possible for someone to make a living solely by publishing Hive posts. I'm talking about being able to actually pay your monthly bills and buy food. On the surface, it would seem like a no-brainer being that there are endless so-called influencers out there doing it on other platforms. Some are raking in millions, while others are comfortably getting by. Of course the model for generating income and growing an audience is quite different on Hive vs traditional social media.

How I imagined life as a Hive blogger before starting my journey

On other platforms, you rely heavily on sponsorships and ad revenue whereas the Hive community doesn't care about any of that. Let's talk about that!

Hive Culture

Growing your support base on Hive has some similarities to traditional social media, however it differs in several of key areas. Just like anywhere else, you really need to write compelling content, but in the case of Hive, you really have to engage with your audience.

I have seen a few influencers try to succeed on Hive and completely flounder because of their lack of engagement with the community. They start off by introducing themselves and make a big entrance. They may even get some huge upvotes in the beginning. But they don't take the time to engage with their audience or the community at large. Within a couple of weeks no one is reading or voting their content.

Always include a cute photo of your kid randomly in your blog posts. Don't listen to me.

The Hive community rewards engagement above all else, but keep in mind that people are watching you in other ways. Everything on the Hive blockchain is transparent. For instance, most people are OK with upvoting your own posts but not your own comments. That's a quick way to start getting yourself on abuse lists and flagged content.

It has definitely gotten better, but flag wars used to be a huge problem. Now, battling with flags has become something of a nuclear option as more often than not it doesn't end up working out well for anyone - the person being flagged nor the one doing the flagging.

Personally extremely rarely engage in flagging content, even though it is a core part of the way the Hive eco-system is designed to work. On a psychological level, it can be challenging to look at that value go up on your post and then watch some of it get syphoned off by a downvote. That's why it is critical to understand that the current value on your post is meaningless until the payout actually occurs!

I think that this is one of the most difficult things that people have to integrate when getting used to how things work here. Remember this: You can do whatever you want with your stake. But so can anyone else - so behave or deal with the consequences of your actions; good or bad!

Can I Make A Living Blogging Here?

I think that this question has a really big "It Depends" answer.

There are a few people on Hive that are able to write content, cash out rewards and pay their bills. There are a few things that these people almost invariably have in common:

  1. Live in a country with a low cost of living
  2. Put in a lot of time engaging with the community at large
  3. Consistently create quality, readable, unique content
  4. Stake tokens! Don't cash everything out after each payout

I have to make a statement here that may be considered controversial, but I think it's true to a large degree. This probably belongs in the Hive Culture section but ultimately has a huge impact on one's ability to actually make a living on Hive. This is mainly why I have included #1 above: Live in a country with a low cost of living.

There seems to be a psychological ceiling for curators when it comes to what they believe any particular post can be rewarded. I believe that this is largely driven by the fluctuating value of cryptocurrency in general and the fact that the reward pool is not (and cannot be) infinite.

If you look around, you'll begin to notice that once a post starts getting into $100 territory, often you see large stakeholders swooping in and giving that content a flag to bring it down a few notches. Very noble indeed, however if you live somewhere like Los Angeles, New York or London and you want to make a job of being a serious content creator, that's not going to cut it.

Remember, you as the author are only getting 50% of that payout as it is. So even if you are elite tier publisher on Hive with posts being rewarded up to $100, you are still making $50 per day. And that's the other thing - Many curators frown upon the behavior of posting more than once per day. (Incidentally and for giggles I am posting this fewer than 24 hours after my previous article)

There are always exceptions to the rule, of course. A big one on Hive would be for developers who are actually writing code that contributes to Hive itself, or adds value to the Hive ecosystem. I do not begrudge this in the least because writing software is friggin hard. Build useful tools for Hive, and expect to be rewarded handsomely.

Stake Hive!

Do you really want to get some attention? Do you want to show people that you are serious and not just trying to leach off of the system? Well, put your money where your mouth is. Buy some Hive and stake it. Nothing shows that you are all in more than powering up some coins and using the influence it gives you to support others and help to spread the reward pool.

It is a painfully slow grind trying to grow your account from nothing without powering up at least some Hive. There are people who have done it, and hats off to them. If you can pull it off, I'm proud of you! That being said, it is much easier to get people to notice you if you have some skin in the game. When I started buying Hive and powering it up back in early 2018 my support grew exponentially. I still had to work at it, but the change in momentum was very obvious. It just makes your voice louder, there's just no way around it. If you don't believe me, just look around. It's not hard to find a very large stakeholder who is a complete jackass and would have zero followers or community engagement if their account were empty. This is just a hard reality!

I'm not blind to the reality that this isn't possible for many people and I don't want to discourage you. Keep doing what you're doing and you will eventually get there. Authenticity is the key, and engagement is king.

Lastly, staking coins gives you the opportunity to earn curation rewards. This is where being a full-time blogger can become just a bit more reachable in an indirect sort of way. Right now at the current price of Hive (around $0.341) it takes quite a bit of stake to make decent curation rewards. For instance, I get roughly between 25-35 Hive daily in curation rewards. That's around $10 which is barely going to buy me a hamburger and a drink with current prices.

@afturner and @nuthman - This photo is from one of my first Hive posts (on the old chain)

But what about when Hive is worth $1? or $5? or even $10 or more? This leads me to my final point which is that Hive is not just simply a get rich quick scheme. It is an investment into a community and a future with huge possibility of growth. Don't think of it in terms of what a single token is worth now, but the future value that it represents. Be in it for the long haul!

Please consider voting for @nuthman as a Hive witness.
I would really appreciate your support!



Well its a matter of perspective for me. If I were to post on other social platforms I wouldn't get much beyond a few comments any that would be that. The post would probably be deleted in the next 30+ days and that would the end of that. All the effort put into a post and if it wasn't 'engaging' enough it wouldn't even pop up on others feeds/streams.

I think content on Hive is better regarded as the community has an input on whether it is good or not and can give feedback that helps the creator fine tune/tweak what they post into something more favorable with the community. The value aspect, even if I don't plan on 'living' off of it, is nice to accumulate as over time it will offer me the ability to purchase something. Hive has actually saved me twice during a month where the expenses were bigger than I could account for.

@epodcaster said it best, I think she said: "You're going to be creating content anyway, why not earn while you're at it?".

Thank you for sharing your tips and your thoughts on the ability to 'live' off of earnings from Hive. It's an interesting concept and I am glad that others in nations around the world are able to do so from their quality posts.

I remember back in the very early days of Steem before the fork there were people making insane amounts of money per post. It was obviously not sustainable - mostly because it was abusers who scooped up tons of tokens from mining and getting them super cheap. But what it did show was that when the token is at a decent price, you can really make a lot of money posting here.

Since things have settled down a lot and the abuse has calmed down dramatically I think we'll be seeing some really great earnings the next time we rally. It would be since to see Hive stabilize at a much higher price for sure!

I think content on Hive is better regarded as the community has an input on whether it is good or not

Absolutely! I agree 100%. But on the other hand I don't know how accurate upvotes/flags are as a metric on a Hive post being that so often people don't even read posts. I know this because each of my posts are worth $10 2 minutes after creation, and some of the larger accounts are much, much higher.

Of course nothing is perfect, but in theory we have a good thing going here.

"You're going to be creating content anyway, why not earn while you're at it?"

Well, that's certainly true!

That's right, money is needed to live and the way we see the APR that HBD is giving its users is a very good APR over a stablecoin. So much better your investment is also safe.

That is a fact.. can't survive these days without money.

Hello nuthman!

It's nice to let you know that your article won 🥇 place.
Your post is among the best articles voted 7 days ago by the @hive-lu | King Lucoin Curator by peter.goki

You and your curator receive 0.2723 Lu (Lucoin) investment token and a 9.49% share of the reward from Daily Report 98. Additionally, you can also receive a unique LUGOLD token for taking 1st place. All you need to do is reblog this report of the day with your winnings.


Invest in the Lu token (Lucoin) and get paid. With 50 Lu in your wallet, you also become the curator of the @hive-lu which follows your upvote.
Buy Lu on the Hive-Engine exchange | World of Lu created by @szejq

Right now at the current price of Hive (around $0.341) it takes quite a bit of stake to make decent curation rewards. For instance, I get roughly between 25-35 Hive daily in curation rewards. That's around $10 which is barely going to buy me a hamburger and a drink with current prices.
But what about when Hive is worth $1? or $5? or even $10 or more?

We get a decent deal with $10 at my place as our country is not expensive as compared to yours.

Well i agree that curation rewards will be worth much more when Hive will be at $1 or above.

For me i am struggling to earn on Hive and your support is what motivates me to keep myself active here on Hive. Thank you for the autovotes. They are really helping me to pay my bills. Thanks once again Bro.

I am glad that I can help! My mana really low right now, as I've been very busy on Hive since I fired up my witness. I also delegated some coins to a new game so my auto-votes might be disabled for a couple of days. it should start back up when my mana recovers!

No problem and thanks Bro.

I have been here since the start of 2018. Yeah, it really depends on where you live. I guess some can quite live off of the Hive posts or at least have much better financial situation. On average, I get quite good rewards on my posts but I live in Estonia so im far from being able to live off of it. Although I have taken out some $ thats has supported my travles and that has helped A LOT. Ultimately my mission is to generate that passive income that at some point is a good extra. Who knows, just maybe, someday if the the stakes are real great and every month passive income is considerable then I could live off of it.

Top of the bull market was great tho. Some posts had a couple of hundred $ woth of rewards 😀.

I think it's great that people are able to use Hive earnings to support their lives in different ways. Living off of it is not practical for most people, but they can definitely use the extra cash.

I recently had to pull out a couple thousand to help pay the rent, which sucks because I really am still trying to build up. But you gotta do what you gotta do! I have also used earnings to buy fast food here and there by charging up with Coinbase debit card. It's kind of fun to think that you were able to eat dinner by posting blog articles!

Looks like the fact is that Hive already made our lives better just a little bit so its a win already!

I know the feeling about thinking how blogging bought a sandwich, strange one 😁

Joining Hive for me is like saving money every day. Anyways I will share this article to my friends who just join here so they understand the community better

Awesome, thanks for the share! I feel like I have learned a lot from my time here. The community is really starting to pick up steam these days as more people are joining all the time. I hope that this eventually will mean more large investors buying into the platform!

You're welcome. We hope that too.

@tipu curate

I see most people try to grow the Youtube or Instagram channels as I guess there might be more money once you become successful whereas Hive would require you to not cash out everything and investing your own money will also help you grow faster and probably still the income would not be enough to live off of unless Hive goes up much higher, which it may do when the inflation drops off in the future. But, I think Hive is great place to be and to produce content here with it being decentralised is far more empowering than being beholden to the corporate whims of youtube and meta.

It seems that you really have to like the whole "Hive Process" to keep it up here. Instagram and YouTube are a completely different ball game!

It is a pretty funny thing when you think about it, that people don't like to see you cashing out all of your earnings. I think part of it is the fact that you can even see that people are cashing out. You can't do that anywhere else. It creates a new dynamic.

I think its an important dynamic because everything in life has duality.

It's possible when the crypto markets are high. At $2 hive it's easy to make your monthly expenses but at 30c there are very few people making enough to live from.

As you said the trick is to build up stake over time and that is how you become sustainable form hive. If you cash out everything you will lose support as well but users that grow their account have good practices' and post consistently will see the benefits over time.

With a bull run around the corner I'm hoping to build my HBD stack and live off the interest at some stage.

30c there are very few people making enough to live from.

Absolutely! And as I have said many times, when you see that $2 or $3 Hive, it is going to make a lot more people able to become independent on here. More importantly, the price needs to stabilize at a higher level. It's always going to be fluctuating I imagine, but I'd like the bottom to be much higher.

As everyone said in the comments, I haven't seen a post like this for a while and I was thinking about writing it. I just think you need to have a certain amount of savings to make a living from Hive. As you said, when Hive becomes $1 in the future, you will be able to earn $900 a month with your curation income. It won't be enough on its own, but when supported by post income, it will work.

I would definitely love to see $1 Hive, but mostly I'd like to see it stabilize at a higher price. Even $1 would be good for me. I just don't like when it drops to the 20 and 30 cent range and stays there for a long time because curation earnings stink. Although the upside is that it creates a window for more people to buy in, which is also great.

I would be OK with a grand or so a month supplemental, at least while I am a stay at home dad. At least it would take some of the strain off of @afturner who is currently working full time as a designer.

Yes low price is always a very good opportunity to get. I guess we should prepare for the high price together, huh? I'm getting better at building my account.

Living the dream... what a good title man!!

i'm "almost" living the dream hahaha, hive has become my main source of income but it is not the only one, it still have to complete it with my photography works but still, blogging in hive is the one that gives me more income, it represents about the 70% of my monthly expenses.

Live in a country with a low cost of living

But what you said is really true! the only reason why i can almost pay all my monthly expenses is because i live in venezuela, here we have a realitve low living costs and i dont have to pay for rent.

Put in a lot of time engaging with the community at large
Consistently create quality, readable, unique content

that's really true, i have almost one and a half year publishing everyday and commenting on other posts, engaging in communities and is only now that i'm able to "live the dream".

Stake tokens

i did bought 2k hive to be able to reach 5k hive power, BUT i still need to power down a little every month to be able to pay for my monthly expenses but my rule is to never power down more that what i maded in the month... so if i made 70 hbd i only power down the equivalent of 50$ in HP, l i still try to keep growing my HP

I had some Venezuelan roommates when I was living in Florida back in 2004 or 2005 when the situation in your country was getting bad with inflation. I remember at the time they were sending money home and it was going a really long way for their families! That is so cool that you are able to pay for so much with your Hive income. It makes me happy when I know that my upvotes are actually able to help people in a real way.

Well, I've overdone it with the votes this week. haha! My mana is currently at 50%. I gotta calm down for a few days.

i did bought 2k hive to be able to reach 5k hive power, BUT i still need to power down a little every month to be able to pay for my monthly expenses

You do what you have to do! There is nothing wrong with it. If you are able to help out with the bills, that is what this is all about in my opinion. Keep it up!

Well it's not often that we get to see people talking from the two sides of the equation. I've grown my hive account to where it is without ever buying but it's something that has always been on my mind and I've been working towards for the future cause I believe that we should give as much as we're taking.

Lovely picture of your son. So adorable.💕

Lovely picture of your son. So adorable.💕

Aw, thanks.. This kid is too cute. It is his saving grace. lol!

I've grown my hive account to where it is without ever buying

I actually think that this is a very honorable way to do it if you can pull it off. I have seen a few people raise nearly 100k HP from posting alone. I am absolutely amazed by that! But it does show that it can be done.

Well it's not often that we get to see people talking from the two sides of the equation.

There is definitely good and bad here on Hive. You have to navigate the weird unspoken social nuances here. It's risky sometimes to say certain things out loud because people get bent out of shape, but it is clear as day! Overall I think the concept of Hive is great and the people are generally great.

Painfully, painfully slow. It isn't a feasible option for me (thanks US inflation) and my daily job is keeping up...for now. I always chunk my HBD rewards into savings for the sweet 20%, but I dont think a buck a month is gonna sustain my next electric bill.

I know exactly what you mean. I bought Hive/Steem back in 2017 at the top of the market. Hive has to hit $5 before I break even! lol. But I made a lot of dumb trading decisions back then after my Eth skyrocketed. I wish I had just saved the money and bought in more in the current time. That HDB 20% would look a hell of a lot better with $100k sitting in there.

I jumped in for the brief game-fi/NFT craze and gobbled up as many Splinterlands assets as I could at back in June of 2021. Not at the peak, but damn well close enough for me to sit and wonder why my $60k investment is now worth pennies on the dollar.

It did, however, introduce me to HIVE, and I think that in and of itself if a valuable thing to have found.

I love the Splinterlands team and game, but holy crap did I lose a lot of money investing in that game. Also, I don't know what happened to the renting system that screwed it up so badly but I used to make a nice income renting my cards but not anymore. Also it kind of annoys me that it costs to put cards up for rent now, to add insult to injury. Not good in my opinion. The other thing that I lost everything on here was Cub on Leofinance. I buy Leo from time to time and love the threads. But I am weary of putting large amounts of money into their projects after the way Cub was just abandoned or whatever the hell happened there. Especially after they made such a big fuss about it.

Purely opinion, but I think the devs got greedy and catered to the whales. Bot farms were allowed to run rampant and unchecked, but it boosted the numbers and made it look like the ecosystem was thriving when, in reality, all of those rentals were going to the massive bot holders. Just look at the metrics for when they switched the bots off in modern play. In either case, BTC is back to half of its former ATH glory, SPS is still down 98% with no recovery in sight. I dunno.

I have noticed that the more SPS I have staked, the lower its total value goes. I am still on the fence as to whether it's possible to have a blockchain game that doesn't inadvertently turn into a ponzi scheme in the end. Intentionally, or not.

I haven't seen one of these types of posts for a while. With the influx of developing country writers appearing this is very welcome. I used to write these all the time once. You might remember!

Yeah, dude.. Halfway through writing this post I thought to myself, "Man, I sound like @slobberchops right now."

No lie! It is good to remind people of this stuff sometimes.

I slowly read this post, breathing in every word for it, honestly it's been a long time I saw something this helpful,

Really you spoke my mind, I have been around two years now in the ecosystem and I definitely understand how things work atleast to a great biggest target for this year is to purchase and power up $100k worth of hive, because I realised that not only will I earn big in content creation but always on curation rewards, plus delegation to communities and other hive accounts..

I really want to be a full time blogger on hive, create a decent lifestyle living off my rewards and I know to get that done I need to build my investment on the blockchain early enough...

Thanks so much for making this confirmation post, I've been waiting for this ... I'm looking out for more.... I'm following right up so I don't miss such awesome write ups from you..

Gracias Amigo

my biggest target for this year is to purchase and power up $100k worth of hive

That would be amazing! I wasn't sure if you meant 100k dollars worth, or 100k HP. Either way, it would make life a lot easier for you here on Hive. Having that decent sized vote really draws in a lot of support from other users around you when they see that you are serious about your commitment to the platform as a whole.

That's for Sure...

well i meant using $100 to purchase hive and power that up, and I'm working towards that...your post really meant a lot...

Thanks for sharing that insightful thought right there

I see little ricky there and he is so handsome. True stacking hive has been the way I have grown my account in little time and yea the power of engagement cannot be over-emphasized. Hive is not a dumping ground where you write and dump articles and coke back the next day fo write again.

If you want a friend one must be a friend as well.

I love the thumbnail of your post, can I make use of it?

I love the thumbnail of your post, can I make use of it?

Of course, use it all you want. I just made it in Photoshop in a few minutes.

Hive is not a dumping ground where you write and dump articles

That was how it used to be in the Steemit days, but times have really changed. It's funny, if you go over there to Steem it is even worse now. And it reflects in the market cap of the coin!

Okay thanks for granting me the access to the fine picture.

Brilliant post! We need more of these on HIVE!

I'm on "the mission" to do what you just said... Living in Western Europe is comparable with the US as the costs of living are similar, but that isn't discouraging me from living from HIVE (and crypto)!

As you explained well at the beginning, HIVE isn't like other social media networks and you MUST engage with the community... And not just that, it is crucial to have your own stake and support others... So, in some way, I think it's (almost) impossible to live from HIVE if you ONLY create content, but it is possible to do it by creating content, curating content with your stake, engaging with the community... Now that we have additional ways to engage with others (Leothreads, Ecency Waves), there are other possibilities to earn a couple of bucks on top of it...

If you combine that with different layer-2 projects and tokens, I would say that it is possible to live from HIVE... Would it be easy? No... 😃 But, it is a challenge!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

Comment Footer.jpg

I think it's (almost) impossible to live from HIVE if you ONLY create content

Right, you really have to take a multi-strategy approach to it. I am currently trying to find an annoying issue that needs solving that I can build a tool to solve. I am always saying 'I wish x would be easier or more streamlined' but I can't always imagine a better solution.

I have read, and I do agree with what you've written. Your growth on Hive goes a very long way, and I have to admit that I just started powering down some few months ago ever since I came to Hive. This is because I am trying to cover up some finances after being sick for more than 6 months. I am talking about intense life-threatening sickness that cost me a lot.

But, I plan on rebuilding again when I stop my power down. It is something that's on my list, and I will have it accomplished.

And i do agree engagement is King, which is why I am always ready to give it my all in this aspect coupled with writing something a good content.

Engagement has brought a lot of sweet darling people in my life ever since I joined in, and I am very happy to continue engaging.

I just started powering down some few months ago ever since I came to Hive.

I don't think there is anything wrong with powering down Hive, especially if you need the money! In fact, I did the same thing for the first time not long ago. The Covid years really took a financial toll on our family and I needed to take out some crypto to pay some bills.

And i do agree engagement is King, which is why I am always ready to give it my

Yes, I've noticed you are pretty active with the community. You're on the right path as far as I can see!

It is nice you took something out for your people. Thank you for those words.

Yes, I always try my best and will continue giving it my best.

That's too good to be true if you can make a living being a full-time blogger here on Hive. It seems like you are your own boss and you have the freedom. Well, I don't know how much others are earning there but I chose this platform as a way to blog my life. The upvotes are a bonus and the rest, I don't want to expect more such as getting a lot of hive earnings there. For me, I can blog truthfully if I won't think about the amount of upvotes. If the others like and appreciate my content, then I want to thank them for seeing the worth in me. Still, I'm thankful I came across this platform.

How can I stake tokens? I honestly want to do it but I don't know how.

It seems like you are your own boss and you have the freedom

Yeah, can you imagine not having struggle to pay the bills, but sit on the beach with a laptop and write blog posts for a living about the great time you are having? Haha, sounds like a good life for me. Maybe someday!

How can I stake tokens?

This is really a matter of what you can afford. If you have some extra cash, you can buy some Bitcoin or Ethereum on an exchange and then trade it for Hive. It really depends on your country and what cryptocurrency exchanges are available to trade cash for coins. You probably need to do a bit of research to find this out! I use Coinbase, but I don't know if it's available outside of the US.

Haha we actually have the same dream but as they said nothing's impossible so who know's we might be living our dream life one day. There's no limitations if we believe endlessly.

I would try that and don't worry we have lots of crypto wallets available in our country.

We can all live the dream together when Hive moons and we can support the new people coming in with decent curation value. You gotta hope for something, my friend!

That's a very optimistic words I read today! I believe too that it's not impossible and I hope one day hive will be a big success.

You and me both, @sydney27. 😀

One thing I have actually come to discover is that blogging on hive might actually make you a living but will take time to get it established

Yes, it is a slow process just like anything else worthwhile. But very possible!

Yea it is a slow process

I think, with consistent effort it's possible to earn a full-time living on Hive ultimately. As you mentioned, factors like location/lifestyle and being part of an engaged community impact success.

Some acquaintances here in Vietnam have done well through regular posting and community-building on HIVE, generating sufficient income. But it requires daily activity and outreach or getting that one whale to take notice of you and vote you ever day. But yes, more time to connect with others would be ideal.

Downvotes and spite sometimes are what is hindering growth. Hopefully continuing improvements in reward curves and onboarding tools will help alleviate those issues. Reducing barriers to entry and participation can really help the platform thrive, and if the platform thrives, then the users will too.

I'm optimistic that in coming years, a full-time Hive income will become very feasible for dedicated creators as adoption expands. Especially if we focus on rewarding value-added content vs mere stake weight. Making progress through thoughtful evolution will get us there.

The key is bringing in more users through education and empowering them to become active community members. Then the opportunities will grow exponentially. Collaborating to make the platform more intuitive and equitable for all is how we'll see full-time viability become a reality.

Exciting times ahead!


I definitely think that someone living in places like Vietnam could potentially make a comfortable living off of Hive earnings. My cousin lives there and does quite well off of very little money from retirement here in the US. I wish we could have more a reasonable cost of living here in the US. Just food alone is so expensive.

I'm optimistic that in coming years, a full-time Hive income will become very feasible for dedicated creators as adoption expands.

I feel the same way. I know I've been saying it for years now, but I still feel like it is going to be the case. People outside of Hive have overlooked it for a long time, and I always say it is because of how complicated cryptocurrency is in general for the average person to understand. It doesn't help that it's always in the news and they are constantly calling it a scam. Especially with the FTX fiasco and NFTs.

Lets keep the metaphorical crypto fingers crossed and look ahead.

I think in the Western World it would be challenging, unless you are leveraging several platforms - and live a relatively frugal lifestyle - and still in a low cost area.

One of the barriers I see beyond time requirement is that we would need to substantially grow the readership on Hive and the depth of the liquidity to sustain and outflow of value from the chain. Along those lines you would also want to consider expanded advertising opportunities in a way that doesn't compromise the experience of Hive, so that there is a steady influx of capital to the platform.

I think in the Western World it would be challenging, unless you are leveraging several platforms

For sure. That's why I said "solely by publishing Hive posts"

I think this is one of the main reasons that we lose influencers as soon as we get them. Once they see that they have to put in the work to get followers and engage with the community they move on. The payoff just isn't worth it.

I can see this changing over time, though if the price of Hive ever takes off.

I also agree with the other points that you make about readership and liquidity. As for Ads, It would have to be super unintrusive. Really that would just something for the front end to implement. I think Leo tried it, not sure if it's something they are still doing.

That is the dream, isn't it. I've wondered it many times myself over the past 6 years that I've been here. I've often considered the figure you throw out—$100. Well, $200 on the post because of the 50% thing. And many people around here would start downvoting as soon as it got near $100, or less. But even of, well in the US (and in Japan too), even $100 per day is not going to do much to cover most bills.

A photographer friend used to tell "It takes a lot of peanuts to feed an elephant". The meaning being that for people who rely on freelance money, like most professional photographers, they need a lot of jobs to survive: a lot of small paychecks, a lot of incoming money from different places. I love that saying and have taken to using it myself all the time.

On Hive, posting is one of those peanuts. Another is curation. Another might be swing trading between hive and HBD if you can time these pumps well. Another might be a second layer token if you can pick a good one.

Even with all those things, in most developed countries I don't think Hive can be a full-time living just yet. But... when the price of Hive moons, maybe 😃

Anyway, it's fun to speculate. But day to day I just keep posting daily as I have for the past 7 years—and we'll see where that takes me.

Good post, buddy. Good thoughts.

Right, I think that right now the main way to make money on Hive is via curation, but that takes a huge investment. One nice thing is that even if you don't earn huge amounts of money dollar-wise on your hive now, if you don't cash it out it will be worth a heck of a lot more when the price invariably goes up. You can't really say that for fiat money.

I haven't really tried swing trading between Hive and HBD much. I should probably give it a try! At least I count play around with it to increase my stake more than anything else.

Yeah, that's the thing. It's the same 8-10% curation for all of us, but you certainly see the benefit of that much more the higher your stake is. Speaking for me personally, it's been very motivating watching that number go up. For most of the past 6 years I didn't have any outside money to invest in Hive, so my growth was entirely organic (and, frankly, low as a result). But for the past two years I've been investing a little more here and there from outside, and I've watched as my curation has been climbing and climbing. It's really cool to see.

Swing trading is fun. With these Korean pumps, usually it is one day then down again, so I just trade to HBD sometime during the pump, then back to Hive after it falls. I rarely catch the top of the pump, but any is better than none, eh? The internal market makes it so easy to jump between Hive and HBD.

Great post!

There seems to be a psychological ceiling for curators when it comes to what they believe any particular post can be rewarded.

This ceiling should raise as the price of HIVE rises in the future.

Absolutely, It kind of automatically raises along with the price of Hive. Look back at the early days of Steem when the price was around $5. Holy crap, some of the payouts people were getting.

I've gotta be honest, it's great to see you posting more regularly again. I know that's something you wanted to try and do now that you are a witness. As soon as I read your post title I said to myself "not in the US". It's definitely hard here. Even where I live in middle America I would need Hive at $10 or more to even think about making a living. Even then, it would be more of a supplement not an actual income. I found that setting a little bit of voting power aside each day to throw small votes at others comments has really made a difference in my curation rewards. I'm hoping to do a better job of saving money to buy HIVE after this next bull run.

Haha, one of the downsides to being so active is I have used up my voting mana. I think I'm not going to be able to upvote anything for a few days now. I always do this when I get super active. Well, plus I just delegated a bunch to @acidyo's new game which looks pretty awesome.

I know that's something you wanted to try and do now that you are a witness.

Yeah for sure. I've wanted to run a witness server for years now, but always felt like I needed to be more active and have the time to dedicate to Hive.

Even where I live in middle America I would need Hive at $10 or more to even think about making a living.

Right, at this point I don't think anyone in the Western world is going to make a living on Hive by blogging alone. You really have to build something or have such a massive stake that you can curate your way to paying the rent.. Or, of course, unless you are a top Witness!

We might have a chance if we were to get enough in HBD savings, but even then it would have to be a significant amount of money. If I had that much to spare, I would probably be doing pretty well in real life as well. That's cool that you delegated to the game. I have read a little bit about it, but probably not as much as I should have.

I keep going back and forth about putting some HBD in savings. I had a few grand in there for a while but I really like having more HP. The 20% is pretty serious though. I could convince my wife to put some HBD in savings, but about that time the APR would drop with my luck. haha!

I started putting funds in there at 10%. Even then, it was a good deal for me. Even at 7% it would be a good move compared to a traditional savings account.

Im currently grinding at the content side and it does take time to get notice, takes effort to show up everyday with a good +1000 words post with edited images takes me about two hours but as anything else in life that is worth doing it will also takes time an effort, Hive does seem to be worth for me but its the journey that some times break ppls momentum, it starts as a dream until it comes true, I will start with a few bucks but as you mention the more I refine my content and increase my HP stake then more chances of getting thar following, Im not pretending to make a living out of Hive but may be in 10 years get some good rewards from my hobby and from all my effort, Hive is trully something special

I tell you, I will never forget how when I first learned about Hive back in 2017 (Steem) I sat there for nearly 3 hours gathering pictures and crafting the best introductory post that I could muster. I went over it tooth and nail making sure there were no typos. I tried to write a catchy title and organize it structurally as well as possible. In the end, I think that post earned less than 3 cents.

It went on like this for some time until I decided to buy a bit of stake and started upvoting other people's content as well as commenting. That's when things really started to take off for me.

may be in 10 years get some good rewards from my hobby and from all my effort

For sure! I look at it as a long term investment. I see the whole crypto thing really coming into maturity be 2030 and I think that those of us who got into it in these early years are the ones who are going to really benefit the most.

so behave or deal with the consequences of your actions; good or bad!

you make a very good point here. Because everything that we do is transparent here on the blockchain, so we have to behave since there will be others who might be watching your move in case you do some bad stuff.

as you mentioned I think that full-time hive blogger is feasible is really about where you live, since the lower the cost of living the smaller the payout can give you a big amount of money.

a $100 post over here in my place could mean at least 1/5 of my monthly income, so it is a good amount of money that we could get just from a single post. (although I have never reached that stage just yet. !LOLZ )

But I am here for a long run, who knows what will the hive price be in the next 5 years or so.

Hey, if you can live off of it where you live, I'd say really keep at it hard. I think if you could even start regularly getting 20 and 30 dollar posts it would make a huge difference for you financially.

Things are out of control in my country, to be honest. The cost of living is so outrageous here it is becoming unsustainable. The houses around here cost a million dollars but are tiny and falling apart. No one can afford to buy a home these days. The problem is, that most people who live in this part of Los Angeles are making a lot of money in their jobs, but they are living as if they were below the poverty line. It is ridiculous!

Thank you very much. Yes I will keep my consistency and keep coming back to make posts, curating and engaging here on Hive. Even the smallest payout I get here on Hive is much better than posting my photos on the other platform. : )

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I like to mooooove it mooooooove it

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Hi, I should make a movie about a Hive blogger who lives off the rewards of his posts and pays with it for his first class trips and 5 star hotels, nice post, have a beautiful day.👍👍👍

I think you strat would be, live under your means for sometime.
Post consistently and engage the community!

And put your hbd into savings. If you can live off the interest you get, thats pretty neat!

I don't know why I don't put some savings into HBD. I did have a few thousand in there for a while, which was cool, but I keep thinking how that could be more HP! lol.. Maybe I will put some cash in there again. I think I just keep thinking that the Hive token is going to blow up and I don't want too much sitting in HBD. What to do!

A good balance is good, unless you believe Hive will move more :D

I just like the 20% APR..

I had 5k in HBD aswell, but when Hive dropped to 0.25 or what it hit, I converted all of that HBD to Hive and gained like 7k Hive extra on top of what I had paid, so pretty good trade for me :D

That's exactly what I did with my HBD savings. The gains were too seductive ;p

It was pretty sweet, yes! ;)