Enjoy Things By Looking At Them In A Different Perspective

in BDCommunity3 years ago

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Sometimes, things happen in our life and we always understand that thing or that situation from one said, often times, it's always from the negative side. Before I conclude anything, I always remind myself a very popular saying, "there is two said to a coin", same way, you can always view life from two different angles.

A very good day to all my wonderful readers right now, you are welcome to another beautiful post, this time, our gratitude should go to @blukei for this beautiful quote "Enjoy Things By Looking At Them In A Different Perspective", which happen to be the quote that drives today's post and also it's my entry to the ENERGY REFILL CONTEST - Round 19. The contest provides a quote every 15 days and have it's participants write creative contents relating to that quote, and the quote for the next couple of days before the closing date is inspired by @blukei. You can click here to know more about this particular round.

Enjoy Things By Looking At Them In A Different Perspective🤔🤔. Over the years, I have hear people tell me, I have a wild thought, and I always take my time to understand a situation or a problem before reacting, well it's not always true, but 80% of the time, they are right to say that about me. I have always known and believe there is always more to a story or a situation, why just view it from the surface when you can actually unlock the secret in that situation? But when digging to find the secret, what do you search to find? Is it more negativity or you want to see the positive side? Well, the answer for me is always the positive side, I try to always see the bright side of things instead of wasting my time with negativity. My Hive blog is the only place I share most of my experience, I really don't bother to tell people about anything I'm going through, everyone always see a happy me, but you see this platform, is the one place I jot down what I really want to say to anyone.

Some years back, I finished from the university, knowing my country, you could job hunt for so many years, and still, no real opportunity will come, well, I applied for teaching position after I returned home, and yes, I was still searching for other good opportunities too. My dad was kind enough to give me a flat in the compound where he live, so, I was in the same compound with him but in my own flat. I got a job as a teacher in a private school, to be honest, if not that I was in my father's house, I don't think the money received as salary would have been able to keep me going. But I had a goal, which was to support my dad and also save to get most of my machines to help start my sewing properly when I am finally settled a bit. Well, for years, I have been doing that, I mean supporting the home and also buying some my machines.

But there was one little challenge I have been having, and that's my dad not being able to mind his business 🤦, he is always looking for ways to monitor everything I do, what I do and how I go about them, and when things begin to look like that, that means you are beginning to encroach my space and also mess with my freedom. There was a time I returned from school, and noticed somethings in the apartment was not exactly how I left them, I asked myself, did someone enter the apartment and mess with my stuff, but then, I know the only one who had access to my apartment is my dad, I'm someone who respect people's space and never try to use their properties in their absence, so it vex me whenever someone does same to me. But that first time I noticed it, I honestly ignored the whole thing. It occur twice again but I just ignored the whole thing and move on.

But something happened recently, while he was trying to access my apartment this time, because the front door handle was faulty and I am they only one who know how to manipulate it, the door handle broke in the process and he was left with no option than to wait till I closed from school to report himself 🤦. Honestly speaking, I would have fix that handle a long time ago, but something keep on telling me to wait, and I finally understood why. When I returned from school and he explained everything, I was already boiling inside, I get angry easily and I remembered sharing here before that my students have been the one calming me down over the years, because I really can't imagine having kids and them getting scared of me because of my temper, so I guess I was not only getting paid where I work, but I am also fixing myself. So, my dad made matter worst when he said he can open the door (I know how to open the door, but I was so angry and was controlling myself because I honestly don't want to lunch my anger, so I told myself, he must open it today🤦🤦), but then, while he was sweating and trying to open the door, he was even damaging things more, and by the time he realised it, he had to call someone that can do it.

Now, the door is no longer in a state where I can open it, so we all waited, but the man can barely look at me at this point, because it was written all over me that I was angry at him. Clearly, this was the height for me, and the last I could tolerate. The man he called finally came, and he opened the down, he took down the handle that was there and said, whenever we purchase a new one, let's call him to fix it. What got me to light up the whole place with my anger was when my dad was about going to loose the handle of the back door to replace that of the front door, and I had to stop him, I told him I have had enough of him causing me so much mental stress, and I was very blunt with him that day, I shouldn't have get so angry, but, I have been poked for too long and wasn't ready to be cool anymore. My dad has his ego and will never admit he was wrong, so what did he do, he said some stuffs too. We had a very strong argument that evening and I told him how he has been all over my space for too long and it's time he stay away. I don't joke with my Freedom, and when I mean Freedom, I'm talking about both physically and even mentally, his actions always mess with my mental state and it affects how productive I am sometimes, so I had to end it. Well, he has always see me as the rebel kid, because I am the only one that will not follow is path and also will never stop telling him his wrong doings, and he hate being told he is on the wrong side.

Well, that evening, I purchased a new handle and fixed it, and later put a call through to the man to come complete the fixing the next day after I returned from school (which he did the next day). But that night, I thought of the whole thing, this wasn't just happening, it was a sign, each time the man poke me, I always try to get the inner message of everything, but most times, I just ignore the whole thing. But this one time, I told myself, it's actually a challenge to me, it's time I leave and stand my own ground, it's time I take 100% responsibility for everything. I don't know how I will do it, but it's a wake up call. I woke up the next morning, and I did everything I always do. I stopped getting angry and start working towards my next move, no luck yet, but I really hope to leave the house before this month end. I'm not mad at my dad, I'm only seeing the positive side of the whole thing, even though he did made a comment that he want me out of his compound, I don't see it as anything, I'm seeing it as a big challenge I want to really face. Like I said, it wouldn't be easy, it will be rough but I will always do it.

I go to school that morning, even more happy, my kid brother, who witness everything the night before, I still pay his bills to school (something I have been supporting my dad with for a long time), and the kid was surprise how I could move on so quick and act like nothing happened. Well, to me, nothing really happened, I only got a message and that message was well understood. So, there is always a two side to everything, things happen because there is something to learn from it, why not take what's important and move on. I know what I need to do, and I am working hard to do it, because it is the right thing to do. Also, I didn't bother making noise about the whole thing (which is not my style anyways), I have been leaving each day and minding my business till I will be leaving. In every situation, try to always find the hidden message, and act with that. Sorry this had to be a very long one, but then, thank you for being a good reader as always.

P.S.: By the way, I'm inviting @cescajove to participate in this week's contest. Well, y'all enjoy your weekend now. Once again, thanks for reading.

Thanks For Visiting My Blog!


Kikikikikikikikiki am just laughing in Latin as my friend does!
Well well well, parents can be sweet, annoying and heartbreaking speaking from experience too if he's coming to check the environment it's a different part of it but when he's always comes inside the house nah it's wrong, every human has his or her own space....and to me....well don't just invade anyhow lol.... My question❓ to myself is...what if your own home is very far from there and it's another man property, do you think he would come there to check the House??? NEVER it's because you were very close and it's his home.

But to me I feel he's trying to check up on you and how far you progress, it's normal thing dad loves you that's it.

As for me I ain't joint this time I need to figure things out!

I wouldn't call that checking up on me or how much I'm progressing, that's something two Persons can always sit down and discuss about, but going around all the time, that just crippy, even when I purchase something, he wants to know the cost, the man just don't know how to mind his business, if that's how people display love, then I don't really want the love.

It's just normal for parents to do that.
Trust me, that's his own way of expressing his love.
If he is not concerned, he would just mind his business.
You are lucky because some people actually want this

There is difference between someone being concern about you and someone going through your stuff. Honestly, if growing up as a child he didn't show his concern, I don't think I need it now that I am older.

I understand how you feel. Just try to work things out with him

Yeah, thanks

You are welcome

Me entretuve leyendo tu historia, muchos padres sin así, nos ven como niños y nos quieren sobreproteger siempre, hasta quieren decidir por nosotros, cosas de la vida, tenemos que ser inteligentes y saber sobrellevas las cosas, viendo el lado bueno de todo, saludos.

Patience is a great virtue and I see that you have had a lot of patience in this situation. The good thing is that you have looked for the good and positive side. I am sure you will be able to resolve the whole matter in the best way and I hope you will be able to fix things with your father. Best regards.

Thank you so much. Your words are well received, and I really appreciate them. I just hope for the best. Thanks.

Me gustó la meditación final: es un llamado de atención. Simplemente las personas se sienten con derecho a urgar en nuestras vidas en la medida que nosotros lo permitamos. Tal vez el independizar te te ayude mucho a evitar tanto estrés por tu padre.

Muchas gracias, este podría ser el momento para aprender más sobre mí y liberarme del estrés de mi padre. Gracias por tu comentario.

Si es así. Dios quiera logres conseguir los ingresos para estar en tu espacio.

eso es muy cierto. Muchas gracias



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Te deseamos un hermoso día.

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La mayoria de las veces los padres desean que sus hijos sigan su camino y realizen los sueños que ellos no pudieron, por esto tienden a ser controladores. Lo importante es que te comuniques y le digas lo que sientes sin violencia y con respeto. Lo que esperas de el y exigir respeto para ti. Para que no te vayas molesto porque estas son cosas que luego pesan. Aun con los defectos que el tenga seguira siendo tu padre. Amigo la perfeccion no existe y todos comtemos errores, y el perdón ayuda a sanar heridas.
La comunicación es la solución a todo. Con la catarsis que hicistes drenastes toda la violencia y molestia que tenias.
Un abrazo en la distancia.

Mafa (2).jpg

Muchas gracias, como dijiste, no qué, él es y siempre será mi padre, no tengo problemas con eso, siempre comunicaré cómo me siento por dentro, realmente aprecio tu comentario. Gracias.

I was entertained reading the whole story, because I think it is something that can happen to any of us, and it is as you say "a wake up call", definitely can not allow someone to come to spoil our peace or our space, not even parents.
Because being a parent doesn't give you the right to invade, and certainly, people don't always take kindly to being told about mistakes, but with time they realize it on their own.
I hope you have much success from here on out, and that everything you set out to accomplish. Many blessings to you!

@emybaby thank you so much for your honesty and kind words, well, I just hope for the best from now. Thanks once again.

Es complicado tratar a los padres, tal vez porque ellos ya ven las cosas de otra forma y quieren hacer todo a su manera. Me gusta cuando dices que estas tratando de controlar tu enojo especialmente para tratar a tu padre. Debemos de tratar de hacer una convivencia equilibrada, respetar los espacios de cada miembro de la familia y sobre todo el respeto ante todo. Me gusto mucho tu post amigo... siempre es un placer leerte.

Honestamente, es muy difícil tratar con los padres, ellos siempre intentan usar su experiencia en la vida para determinar el camino de su hijo que está mal. Tiene razón cuando dijo que deberíamos respetar el espacio individual. Muchas gracias por leer, me alegro que te guste.

Thank you for sharing your life learning. You certainly have a positive side to all of this, life is pushing you to become independent, to be 100% responsible for you. That scares all of us, but the truth is, you can always do it, no matter how difficult it may seem, the solution comes in the least expected way. I am sure you will find an apartment where you will be comfortable.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate the world's of encouragement. Thank you once again