Bull vs. Bear: Market Indecision

in #art5 years ago

The weekend! I guess I'll make a post

Have you noticed some of the trader big-mouths on YouTube are flip-flopping a bit on their formerly bearish position? Some are level-headed about it and some are really flaky about it. Look at a week's worth of video thumbnails and you'll see some of these trader's minds darting back and forth like a chimpmunk in the street.

Yes, I said, "Chimpmunk".

Some kind of wacked out hybrid

What really gets me is the clowns that were ultra-bullish in early November and are now ultra-bearish. Grow up, you morons! :)


Back to work :(

I have a tonne of work to do this weekend. It's extra fun because literally no one is paying me on time and I'm owed thousands of dollars at this point with dwindling savings. Yay for freelancing!

There are some bright spots here and there. I hate dry spells and floods of work, as it's a losing proposition, but I'm trying to negotiate a large project to span many, many months. I might even have a crypto project soon!!!!


I guess that's just another sign that people just don't know what to expect. Onwards and upwards ;>)

Take care buddy!

Like a chipmunk??? I was thinking like a referee at a ping pong match..

Some of these guyz are flip-flopping worst than dirtbag politicians :)

I’m definitely Bearullish for sure! Just DMd you on Discord, I want to be overkilled and I’ll never leave you hanging on payment! 💯

I replied, talk to you laters!

Zoom out and take a look. The analysis is only a derivative of the primary data. Assuming there is no catastrophic event, we are most likely close to the bottom, but like any market, it's going to get volatile and suprise a few people.

Let the games begin ;)

Do you follow CrytptoAMD ? That guy insists you'll go under 2000 before the market bottoms.

pocketsend:11@overkillcoin, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

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You are confusing me right about now!!