Bitcoin tipping challenge: guess the price of Bitcoin and win 10 Hive

in LeoFinance4 months ago (edited)

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

It has been just some 3 months since my last Bitcoin special and I usually host these tipping challenges just a few times in a year but watching the current happenings on the crypto market, I simply need to roll out a new round right now.

Apparently, the long awaited ETF money finally started to pour in and Bitcoin can hit a new ATH anytime these days. That´s awesome and I´m happy for all those BTC hodlers. On the other hand, what´s not so awesome, is the fact that many altcoins still seem to be left behind. Honestly, I´m particularly disappointed about our own coin. While Bitcoin is about to hit its new ATH, we are at not even 10% of ours :/ And I´m not even talking about Hive´s slow but constant decline in the market cap ranking. Not so long ago, we were quite comfortably settled in the Top 200. Then, we somehow slipped into Top 300. Currently, we are hovering around the 350th spot (according to CoinGecko) and it seems that soon, we will not even be one of the Top 400 coins, which is quite alarming if we consider the incredible amount of useless sh*tcoins that are now higher in the ranking. But I don´t want to turn this post into a rant about Hive. This post is another round of my special Bitcoin tipping challenge and I cannot wait to see where you guys expect the price of the most famous cryptocurrency to be in exactly one month from now :)

Please read and follow those few simple rules below.

Image source:

If you want to participate in this tipping challenge, please submit your guess on what the price of Bitcoin will be in exactly 30 days from now (that is on March 28, 2024) at 11:00 A.M. Central European Time (CET).

  • Round your guess to whole dollars (for example: $56,789).

  • Submit your guess from now until the payout of this post.

  • Only one guess per person.

  • No editing is allowed.

The ending Bitcoin price for the challenge will be taken from and proved with a screenshot taken from their website on March 28, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. CET.

The winner (fastest correct or closest tip) will win 10 Hive from me.

We had as many as 29 valid entries in the previous round of the challenge and I cannot wait to see if we surpass the number in this round.

I am looking forward to checking out your guesses guys :) Good luck everyone!

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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Něco mi říká, že tvůj tip bude ještě z těch nejvíc při zdi :) Každopádně díky za účast a držím palce.

$72,310 Fingers Crossed!

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It's like playing Russian roulette, it's very difficult, you know the price is bullish, but one moment it goes back and then it goes up again, I say 69300.

Yeah but that´s also what makes guessing contests fun, nobody knows who is going to win :) Thanks for your participation!


I knew it! :) Good luck!

It will bring good luck for sure if we hit it!




There is so big volume at the moment. Lets say the last few days it made somethink abouth 10000 $ up. Lets say 80000 😂

Hezky, zatím nejoptimističtější tip, tak držím palce :)

Díky. ☺️

That is an interesting challenge for sure by the way in case you choose to make your post via then you can earn additional Hive and leo tokens

Yeah, I know, I have been meaning to try posting from InLeo for ages... Hopefully won´t forget next time :) Btw feel free to drop your guess here :)

Let me guess $58,753


Once again :)

Seems pretty realistic this time, just broke through 60k :) Good luck!

Nice contest,it has been added to the @contestbox to enhance engagement
Good luck to every participants

Awesome, thanks!



Booo pessimist! :D


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No vidíš a hnedka jsi (zatím) nejoptimističtějším soutěžícím :D Ale jako jo, kdybych měl tipovat taky, střílel bych to někam mezi 80 a 90k :)


On the other hand, our Hive coin 🙄😒🥴😬😭😭😭🗑️ 🤷🏻‍♀️

Basura no? :D

But let´s hope our time to shine will still come ;) Usually, the bull run arrives with some delay for the altcoins ;) Btw I was expecting even more optimistic guess for Bitcoin from you :D How about your sister, will she join us too? In the last round, you were next to each other in the summary of the guesses :D

Hahaha, basura no, a la basura 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Well, let's hope that at least someday in fifty years our Hive currency will reach at least $2 🥴😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I'm optimistic about bitcoin but I think that rise was just a sudden impulse but I don't think it will continue to rise so violently. If I had bitcoins, even just one, perhaps I would be more optimistic but since I don't have a single cent of bitcoin, I don't care hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️.

Hahaha, I told her to post her bitcoin guess, and you're right, we were next to each other in the last bitcoin guess, It was funny because it was totally random.

Really? A la basura? I remember from Mexico that when the locals wanted to say that something was not good (or that something was shitty :D), they just said it was "basura" :D Doesn´t work like this in Venezuela? :D

Well, she still has a few more days to submit her guess so hopefully, she won´t forget :)

Hahaha, yeah, it's the same but, "basura" is trash, and "a la basura", is "to the trash" 🗑️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I see :) Btw funny how Hive jumped from 0.3 to 0.4 right after our conversation, I guess we should do that more often :D

Hahaha, yeah, I think we should talk untill it will reaches $10 🤭🤭😃💰💰💰💰, can you imagine that? 🤑🤑🤑🤑🚀

$75,000 😁

And Hive, must reach at least $0.80 🙌🏻

At least! Thanks for your participation amiga, good luck with your guess :)

Gracias amigo! 🙌🏻🙂

$90 000 easily 😃

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