@phortun´s Monday tipping contest #131: guess the price of Hive and win 5 Hive

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

Welcome to the 131st round of my Monday tipping contest where you can guess the price of Hive in seven days and win 5 Hive from me.


If you want to join this round of the contest, submit your guess on what the price of Hive will be next Monday (March 25) at exactly 11:00 A.M. Central European Time (CET). Please make sure to read and follow these 3 simple rules:

  • Round your guess to 3 decimal digits (for example: $0.456 or $0.800).

  • Submit your guess from now until Friday (March 22), 11:00 A.M. CET.

  • Only one guess per person, no editing.

The ending Hive price for the contest will be taken from coingecko.com and proved with a screenshot taken from their website next Monday at 11:00 A.M. CET.

The winner (fastest correct or closest tip) will win 5 Hive from me.

I am looking forward to checking out your entries :) Good luck everyone!

Check out the ranking of the most successful participants of the contest!

Rank Name Number of wins
3. - 4.@deepresearch5
3. - 4.@rebe.torres125
5. - 9.@krakonos4
5. - 9.@jjprac4
5. - 9.@yova4
5. - 9.@necho414
5. - 9.@jhonnygo4
10. - 14.@onlavu3
10. - 14.@olympicdragon3
10. - 14.@miriammarga3
10. - 14.@bntcamelo3
10. - 14.@faithetim3
15. - 26.@borran 2
15. - 26.@shashiprabha 2
15. - 26.@maxili632
15. - 26.@gingbabida2
15. - 26.@crazy-andy2
15. - 26.@jorgebgt2
15. - 26.@maylenasland2
15. - 26.@dswigle2
15. - 26.@rosauradels2
15. - 26.@femcy-willcy2
15. - 26.@emeka42
15. - 26.@vaipraonde2
27. - 69.@liltammy 1
27. - 69.@dronegraphica 1
27. - 69.@mastersa 1
27. - 69.@tulio77 1
27. - 69.@lavanyalakshman 1
27. - 69.@minhaz007 1
27. - 69.@oresteg1
27. - 69.@rokhani1
27. - 69.@coingecko1
27. - 69.@katrin-lux1
27. - 69.@trangbaby1
27. - 69.@firstcoast1
27. - 69.@jfang0031
27. - 69.@oldmans1
27. - 69.@fronttowardenemy1
27. - 69.@tazi1
27. - 69.@jedenjenda1
27. - 69.@aleksandra.mart1
27. - 69.@taliakerch1
27. - 69.@a-alice1
27. - 69.@crazy-bee1
27. - 69.@yeckingo11
27. - 69.@nenio1
27. - 69.@worldstories1
27. - 69.@maarnio1
27. - 69.@tokutaro221
27. - 69.@voidd1
27. - 69.@howzat1
27. - 69.@zzzinnn1
27. - 69.@zaneawilliams1
27. - 69.@johnbenn1
27. - 69.@pars.team1
27. - 69.@anujadhao1
27. - 69.@micheal871
27. - 69.@pataty691
27. - 69.@triplug1
27. - 69.@uyobong1
27. - 69.@hjrrodriguez1
27. - 69.@lovinggirl1
27. - 69.@bereal471
27. - 69.@jenam1
27. - 69.@treefrognada1
27. - 69.@bozz1

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Traveling, Photography, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Fitness and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



I smell optimism based on deep research. Fingers crossed, mate! :)

Oh, not this time buddy :) Coming back to my bull market guessing strategy of constant overshooting optimism :D

Hahaha that´s cool too :) But the recent drop from almost 0.5 to some 0.33 was not nice at all! :D Let´s see how the new Leo exchange listings will effect the price of Hive ;)

Bitcoin sneezes, alts are getting sick.

By now we can observe an effect on LEO price :)

Well said :)


Classic. Good luck! :)

Luck is on our side..


Čekal jsem 4.200 :D

aj ja ked Ti mam pravdu povedat.. :D
crypto svet je jedna velka horska draha, ale toto co sa teraz deje..nechapem...

Co konkrétně máš na mysli, ten dip? :D



3 decimal digits next time please...


Invalid entry. Just like the last time, same reason. But you don´t read the posts, nor the replies...

My bad
I felt my $0.45 should still be the same as $0.4500
Can I update it?

There are only 3 simple rules here. One of them is:

"Round your guess to 3 decimal digits (for example: $0.456 or $0.800)"

Another rule is: "Only one guess per person, no editing."

So no, you cannot edit it, you need to be more careful next time. But seriously, why you seem to always comment without reading the actual posts? Many people downvote such behavior...




Fingers crossed!


That´s 4 decimals, not 3! Why is it so difficult? :D

My Mistake, I thought it was four digits, I'll take care of it next time, thanks for highlighting btw

No problem, thanks for being honest. Good luck in the next round!

Thank you 😊



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My guess is that it will be worth 0.414 greetings

Yo opino que valdrá 0.414

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Unfortunately going down again 🥴🙄😭 but let's keep a positive mind, after all we have no choice 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️

I really appreciate your positive attitude my friend but your guess was submitted after the deadline, I´m sorry :D :(

😬🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ no problem

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