A lovely autumn day at Ville Haute - Luxembourg | Euro Tour

in Pinmapple7 months ago (edited)

Going to Luxembourg was a sudden plan, I saw the opportunity and booked the trip for two people. It's was a day trip so no hotel reservation needed, it was an autumn walk in a beautiful and picturesque country. As usual, this was a group tour with other Ukrainians and we joined. Fun fact I often thought Luxembourg is a city but it took a long time to educate myself that it is a small-rich country; not a city. Weekend and day trips are fun, I didn't need to prepare anything for the trip. It was for a couple of hours so there was no need for a pet sitter for my dog Gigi. Pet sitters are expensive in the Netherlands.

Luxembourg is a tiny country renowned for its captivating blend of historic charm and modern vitality. The country is surrounded by Germany, Belgium, and France, nestled in Western Europe. We went there by road so our trip took around 4.5 hours (oneway) via Germany. I thought we would go to Luxembourg via Belgium because we live in the Netherlands but later, the driver told us, that the German route was faster. The country is tiny but Because of a thriving economy, the rumor says that this country is one of the richest European countries compared to its size. The reason for such a growth economy is the robust financial sector and thriving steel industry. Besides, the country's picturesque landscapes, featuring rolling green hills and ancient castles, draw in tourists and nature enthusiasts alike. That's one of the reasons I wanted to go to Luxembourg in Autumn.



Our trip had started early morning before sunrise. The driver had picked us up from the location and after that, I fell asleep in the car. When I woke up in the morning, I found myself somewhere in Germany and from there Luxembourg was 1 hour drive. Anyway, I knew the weather in Luxembourg would be rainy but what I didn't know was it would be so cold and dark. There were a total of 3-4 locations on our trip agenda so after exploring all the locations ( will write about them later) throughout the day, we came to a spot called "Ville Haute" which was a small administrative division in central Luxembourg City.

We reached this part of the city center (Ville Haute) around 2.00 p.m. which was lunchtime. The driver showed us where to go and recommended us to explore the Bock Casemates. Unfortunately, I didn't go because of a headache. He also informed us that we gonna be here for 6 hours before starting our journey back to the Netherlands. Our first target was to have lunch because after exploring so many locations we were hungry. Unfortunately, my migraine pain started at that moment and I was not carrying any medications.

That moment was so miserable for me because I always loved to explore the city centers of different countries. Anyway, I thought lunch would make me feel better and would give me the energy to walk more. After a long walk here and there we found an Italian restaurant. It was Sunday so most of the shops and cafes were closed. We realized that on Sunday most of the restaurants remained open until 12.00 pm. So, according to my tastebud, we had to walk to find a restaurant for lunch.





The street we took was called "Rue Sigefroi" (I cannot pronounce it correctly). The heavy rain was pouring over my head but my hunting for the restaurant was ongoing because I was almost out of energy. While in search of a restaurant, I explored the rich cultural scene and historical buildings of Luxembourg.

The center was quiet but the cobbled pathways, the colors of autumn, and monumental and traditional architecture made our walk pleasant. The reflection of culture, architecture, and history were everywhere and made a unique blend of European influences.

"Ville Haute" is known for its ancient architecture and historic significance. I thoroughly noticed the characteristics of this location. Medieval architecture and narrow streets offer tourists a picturesque scenery. Museums and art galleries were waiting for us, and on our way, we found an archeological museum as well.

Our Meetup point was this area...


We explored some dark alleys and passages of the buildings and out of curiosity, we took some building stairs as well to explore. Luckily nobody called us a thief.

Finally, we had our lunch but I noticed that the host from the restaurant was speaking Italian and the waiters were speaking French. In this part of the city, people speak French mostly and all the names of the shops, and cafes are French. Multilingualism is a defining feature in Luxembourg as people in this country speak Luxembourgish, French, and German. They are the official language as well and the Villa Haute area is known for the French Language.





At some point we reached infront of Chamber of Deputies (Chambre des députés). A lot of tourists were taking photos there. This is the place where the national laws of the country are being made. I thought at first it was The Grand Ducal Palace because they both look so similar. I was not wrong because it was The Grand Ducal Palace, the official residence of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Why it is so hard to remember all these names 😒 . Seeing the Ukrainian flag there made me happy though. So the Chamber of Deputies and The Grand Ducal Palace are the same 😁 .


The nasty headache was killing me but I was trying to see as much as possible. I felt like someone banging my head onto the ground, it was that severe. To be honest, I was taking photos without knowing where I was. I couldn't pay attention or I was not focused at all. Food didn't help me at all...


Do you wanna take photos here!!!

Like I said before, "Ville Haute" might be small but it has a lot to offer to the tourists. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the Alzette and Pétrusse valleys from the prominent vantage points within the Ville Haute. I am going to share one of those points a little bit later.

Let's talk about these narrow streets. I am sure during summer, these narrow streets remain quite busy but we chose autumn to visit there and also it was Sunday. So, nobody was there except some tourists. Some beer bottles were fallen here and there. This narrow street gave me the vibes of Chinatown at first glance. This narrow street is called Bd Franklin Delano Roosevelt; here Rainbow Center - Zentrum fir Queer Kultur is located. This narrow street is famous for this center.



Then we went to Franklin Delano Roosevelt Street for the viewpoint of the city. We saw the Administration des Bâtiments Publics building from the outside. Meanwhile, we were going down following the street. Seemed like climbing down from the hill.




We reached to Porte Espagnole (Grund) viewpoint and I took some photos including the first picture of this post.




Astounding Panoramic view!!!

I was speechless seeing such kind of panoramic view from Porte Espagnole (Grund). It was picture-perfect and I couldn't believe it at first in person. It was one of the most beautiful city view I have seen in life. Now I know why this country is known for its scenic beauty and enchanting ambiance.

Stunning view of the beautiful Alzette River, medieval buildings, valleys, and cliffs and bridges, aqueducts made this scene perfect. A lot of tourists were there taking photos for lifetime memory. I should have taken more photos but my killer headache was killing me. I stood there for a long time, just to satisfy my eyes and thirst of my mind...


Finally, after a long walk in the rain, we reached the market square to take a break and then walked to our next destination...


Thank you for your time...



I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thoughts easily...

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All images used are captured by the author...


It’s a beautiful place, plenty of history and architecture to explore! 🤩🤗

Small location but a lot to see. I can't even remember half of the name already Hahaha...

I passed from Luxembourg on a bus, a looooong time ago - but did not have a chance to visit.

It is really beautiful, maybe next time you can plan for a short trip to Luxembourg if possible... It's worth seeing...Have a great week Kate...

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Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your migraine. It doesn't seem like an idea day: rain, a little bit of time and the migraine. But you fought through it and that's the most important part 😊 Now you have a reason to come back to Luxembourg when the weather will be better 😉

Yes, you told me that it's not a good idea to go to Luxembourg during the autumn season because of the rain and cold. I haven't seen much so you are right, I have a reason to go there again in spring. I hope you are having an awesome week.

Take care and I wish you a wonderful week Martina... 😇

Even if the weather outside was not with you, the pictures you attached here give me the feeling of peace, the atmosphere of love, typical for Luxembourg.

This country itself has a lot to offer to the tourists. Even on a day trip, you can see and experience so much. I am glad you liked these photos and I was able to give you a short tour of this beautiful country...

This kind of countries I love to visit.
Have a wonderful week ahead.

Thank you for sharing your adventure in Luxembourg! Your narrative and photos provide a vivid picture of your trip. Luxembourg is indeed a charming and picturesque country with a rich history and culture. I hope your headache subsided, and you were able to enjoy your visit to the beautiful Ville Haute and its scenic views.

I was able to provide one small part of the city center of Luxembourg, so this is almost nothing compared to the whole city center, history, and castles. Each and every corner of the country has a history, you just cannot finish learning...

Thank you so much for your time... Have a great week...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time in Luxembourg, even though you were dealing with a headache. The photos are absolutely stunning, especially the panoramic view from Porte Espagnole (Grund).

Yes, and I believe it's a country for those who like to explore culture and history. Despite of bad headache, it was a wonderful day trip...

Luxembourg looks stunning as are your photos @priyanarc, picture perfect!

Thank you so much, it is a beautiful country indeed. I tried to portray the location as it was...

Beautiful autumn colors 🍁

Lovely autumn vibes and stunning views here!!! Always take some migraine medication with you - it's a must for me too!

After coming back home, the first thing I did was put the medicines in my travel bag. It was a big mistake from my side...

The walk was nice and it would be wonderful if the killer headache was not there. We had enough time to explore so many locations, castles, museums, and art galleries but I had to go back to the car to sleep...

Thank you dear for stopping by...

I love the style that Luxembourg has, hopefully one day I will be able to visit it.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us 😌.

I just showed a part of the city center, the history and layout of Luxembourg City are stunning and surprising as well... I have been to many cities but I have never seen such kind of characteristic in a country...

Thank you and have a great week...

Nice pictures! It seems like the streets are empty, is it usual in Luxembourg City or just too early to see people outside?

Normally Luxembourg is a busy country but in summer. During the autumn season, not many tourists go there because of the rain and bad weather. But still, there were a lot of tourists scattered when we were walking. Everything was quiet because it was Sunday, normally Saturday is the busy day of the weekend. I mostly saw locals in the market place area but not crowded...

Thank you so much for reading my post, take care...

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