Discover "Junglepark De Orchideeën Hoeve " in Flevoland Province, Netherlands | Part 2

in Pinmapple5 months ago (edited)

Before Christmas Eve, I had the opportunity to visit an amazing park called "Junglepark De Orchideeën Hoeve" (Jungle Park and Orchid Farm). I had no idea such a park existed near my city Almere, Flevoland. The park is located actually in a village called Luttelgeest where other orchid farms, greenhouses, and Lilly farms are located. This park is actually an indoor park, situated in large greenhouses. But you won't feel that you are in greenhouses because the park is designed in such a way to give real tropical jungle/forest experiences to the visitors. The area is large, around 25,000 square meters, and a few large greenhouses are connected and created this world of jungle. Few exotic animals are there along with birds and fishes. A perfect place to spend time with family and friends during the weekend.

If you haven't read my previous post, you can read it here.


The park is divided into several areas and each green house is full of surprises and experiences. One spot after another when I was exploring the park, I felt surprised to see and experience the different atmosphere. Because of Christmas and New Year, the park was decorated with lights and fake candles to create a fairyland ambiance. How to explain fairyland; it was like a fantasy, an enchanted forest where you just walk along, look around, feel the surroundings, and forget about the world. Most of the lights were fairy lights to give the effect of fireflies.

Beauty, Balance and Romance - Bunch of Flamingos Habitat



After visiting the Fish Lagoon or fish tank, I ended up in a beautiful spot where a bunch of flamingos welcomed me. Winter nights in the Netherlands; so darkness comes quickly. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to see the bright pink colors of flamingos. Instead, I was introduced to a different atmosphere. This spot is open with no roof, instead of a roof, the net is used. So, flamingos' habitat is natural. These flamingos come close to you if you wanna feed them, if you want you can go close to them or can sit a little bit far away to enjoy their activities.


I am not into feeding birds unless it's necessary so I was observing the activities of the flamingos. They like to live together and sometimes they come near to humans by maintaining a distance. It is restricted for people to go to their habitat. The lighting of this zone is very different and I guess it's because it highlights the color of the flamingos, to create a peaceful atmosphere and for their comfort.

This spot was cold but I enjoyed it. This was one of my favorite spots in the park. Must be nice seeing this habitat during daytime.

I also meet some friends, Alpaca and Little Donkeys. 😁 My old lost friends (donkeys). They didn't even look at me when I was there.


After visiting the donkeys, I started following the walkway and went to the orchid greenhouse zone.


Orchid Plants in Green House



Unfortunately, I have nothing to say about this zone because I just saw a bunch of orchid plants in a dark room, nothing was properly visible, no guidelines and nobody was around. I tried to get a closer look at some of the orchids but most of the orchids didn't properly bloom at that moment. I had left the spot quickly.

Around 100 years life for the nature



Time to write history. According to my understanding, this is a family business passed by several generations. It started small from a small land with a few varieties of flowers, later in greenhouses but in time, the small farm became a large horticultural business later after World War 2.

In 1915, grandfather Maarssen decided to strike out on his own. He bought acreage in Aalsmeer, on which he grew carnations, chrysanthemums, and lilacs, together with his son. In 1930, the first greenhouse was built by a friend who was a carpenter. This greenhouse became the foundation for the Orchideeën Hoeve. source

Orchids were introduced later in 1957 and Thomas Maarssen Sr (the father of the current owners) believed that the orchids business would be special additions even though his father believed that the orchids are for specialized people. But introducing orchids was the game changer for the business and later the nursery became the leading breeder and the family became well known.

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Such inspirational stories are always nice to hear and so much to learn from.

Winter Market - Citrus Avenue


A small Christmas market was there and some curious visitors were looking at the products. It's not actually a Christmas market, it was more like a winter market. Some unique decor I saw but they were very expensive though. I bought coffee after exploring so many spots so I thought I explore the market while having my coffee.



This zone is called Citrus Avenue because this spot is full of citrus trees, and tropical fruit trees, for example, orange, lemon, and grapefruits. Here a coffee shop and a bar are located along with Macao zone. When there is no winter market, you can sit near the trees.

By the way, in the market, I saw some beautiful handmade wall mats.


I was so excited about the butterfly garden but I was disappointed after visiting it.

Butterfly Garden


We all know butterflies are beautiful creatures and to see them, you need daylight otherwise you won't be able to get the exquisite experience. By the time, when I reached there, it was already dark and I only saw the shadows of butterflies. They were flying here and there, around me but I didn't see them except black shadow. I was already family with such lighting so the lighting, and the atmosphere didn't attract me much.



One key feature of this zone I noticed was the area was warmer than the other areas, in fact, I was sweating without wearing my jacket. The indoor temperature was around 25-30 degrees Celsius, probably more. The artificial ventilation installments were here and there for hot air to control the room temperature.


The garden is decorated with a few orchids, fountains, palm trees, and koi ponds. The area was so crowded and I guess people were taking time to have the luck of seeing the amazing butterflies. Alas, I didn't see a single one.

The last area was the "Suspended’ Flower Garden" before heading to the shop and I must admit it was the most beautiful flower garden I have ever seen.

Suspended’ Flower Garden



In life, I have seen many flower gardens something like this so beautiful and exquisite I have never seen before. I don't know how to explain such a beautiful garden in words. Well, I have seen many people prepare their flower gardens at home like this but on a very tiny scale. I am familiar with hanging flower plants but the whole garden like this filled with tons of flowers hanging from the ceiling was insane. It's not a forest, it's a unique garden.



This is the largest area of the entire jungle park. I am sure during the daytime, this place looks spectacular with all the garden furniture, flowers, and plants.




I don't even know many of the flowers' names. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the entire area, so pretty. Light colors occasionally changed and created different kinds of ambiance. You can sit there as long as you want. There was a coffee shop near the garden and you could enjoy your coffee sitting in the garden. I am sure it would be amazing to enjoy a book in such an area during the daytime. Photos would be stunning, and colorful I believe. If I ever go back to the park, I will definitely visit it during the daytime just to enjoy my solitude moment in this flower garden.

I remember I designed a garden for a client a long time ago. She wanted such a garden for herself, very tiny with such a sitting arrangement. I was with her when she chose plants for her garden and she was so excited. That small garden is nothing compared to this flower garden but this garden reminded me of those old days.


I spent around an hour in this garden walking and sitting.



People take photos here, a lot of photos. Many people were sitting there in the garden, enjoying their evening tea with friends and family.


Giant water lily called Victoria Cruziana. I thought they were Amazon water lilies but I was wrong.

My journey ended at an Orchid shop where various kinds of orchids can be found for home. Not only these orchids were good quality but also they were presented in a very unique way. Also, all kinds of sizes and shapes were available there including gardening tools and orchid care products. I figured out that the price of the orchids varies because of species, branches, and flowering period.




I wanted to buy one orchid but the price was expensive besides I don't have a nice place to keep orchids in my room. So I just looked around, saw the prices, and ended up buying some handmade soap bars.



Finally, my journey ended by listening to live Christmas music and carols. It was a pleasure to experience such a park in person in life. One thing I disliked and felt pity for was the animals who could not sleep or rest properly because of the visitors. According to me, it is a shame. Other than that, it's a beautiful place to spend a weekend.



I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thoughts easily...

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All images used are captured by the author...


It would be extremely hard to find a more beautiful place!

I completely agree, especially with such a beautiful flower garden...

it is a very beautiful garden, the garden looks very beautiful because of the colorful lights which are Aesthetic, I was very amazed to see it

Yes, something unique and beautiful always makes us happy. Good place to be able to relax. I enjoyed my walk a lot. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

The "Suspended’ Flower Garden" looks absolutely stunning with an array of hanging flowers creating a magical and enchanting atmosphere. It's remarkable how they've designed and implemented such a beautiful garden.

The "Suspended’ Flower Garden" looks absolutely stunning with an array of hanging flowers creating a magical and enchanting atmosphere

Exactly and I am glad you really noticed the design. I have heard that many weddings took place there and I know why. I am sure it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain such beauty from time to time.

The atmosphere of the place must be really nice, the tapestry looked great, good handwork.
The story of the family's improvement is very beautiful, it is a shame that it could not have arrived at the right time to see the butterflies.

They are very good photos, thank you, I enjoyed your publication.

It would have been amazing if I could explore the butterfly park. I love butterflies but never went to a park like this. Really unfortunate. But because the location is not far from my city, I will try to find another time to visit the park.

Thank you so much my friend for taking the time to read my post...

Muy bonito todo en verdad y gracias a tu publicación puedo ver de primera mano estas cosas tan bonita y actuales, conociendo un poco más.

Muchas gracias. Realmente aprecio que te hayas tomado el tiempo de leer mi publicación. Este lugar es increíble y digno de visitar.

I've never seen anything like it. What a beautiful place, with the colored lights and the flowers. I imagine that with the sunlight it will be spectacular as well.
I am surprised that they have managed to keep the business for several generations, it speaks well of the family and its sense of belonging.
Thank you for sharing this tour. A hug, my dear. ♥️🤗

I am surprised that they have managed to keep the business for several generations, it speaks well of the family and its sense of belonging.

Yes, and it was surprising for me too when I came to know how they started it and how the simple gardening idea evolved over the years.

I imagine that with the sunlight it will be spectacular as well.

Absolutely and that's why I said if I decide to go there again, definitely gonna visit the place during the daytime.

Oh, that’s good news. A perfect excuse to repeat your visit, hehe. 😁🤗

Yes and to have a fancy cup of tea/coffee 😀

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