Tales of the Urban Explorer: Ormskirk & District Hospital

in Urban Exploration7 months ago (edited)

Some buildings can’t make their minds up what they are actually are. Take ‘Ormskirk & District Hospital', or I assumed that's what it was.


People I can understand, they could suffer from identity crisis but buildings? We have to assume they have minds of their own and add stickers to themselves at times.

From the exterior, it appears to be a college, and yet the innards told me a different story. I could have labelled this one or the other, and on a different day it would have been titled, 'The College of Mass Pigeon Shit'.


Ormskirk, East Lancashire, is a market town renown for little besides it’s flat lands, potato crops and a large University that @dismayedworld happens to be attending for her degree. She might just read this, as it’s local to her.

We had three targets, and the first two had gone bust already. One was totally sealed, with boards that were mature and had not been moved in years. If our tip had been in there, then they are liars. Not a chance.

The second one boasted lighting and security cameras, which were obviously live. I don't do non-abandoned buildings, that not my forte.


There’s a line which I wont cross, though other ‘explorers’ will happily prize open doors. and windows to get some 'exclusive' on Facebook which garners them many likes as well as many, 'where's that?' comments.

'big fucking deal; I prefer to have some HIVE, and if my real life friends and other Facebook explorers don't know about my exploits, I don't give a crap'…

We approached the name-confused building and spotted a couple of shifty blokes trampling through the grounds, probably with the intent of getting inside.

Today seemed like one of those days where we were going to meet lots of other explorers, and that’s what they were, no surprises!


After a short conversation we discovered they are from the 'South'. Down there, the pickings are slimmer than the north.

We searched hard and found no way in. This was getting annoying but after some scouting perseverance, we found the hidden evasive access point behind a dense bush, leaving those other blokes to keep searching.


One of them was little chunky, so good fucking luck getting through that gap which is likely to tear into your back if you're not on the skinny side. It was quite awkward but I managed it, this time without going head first for once.


Once inside, we heard the other dudes on our tail. They did mange to get in and promptly darted for the tile room which appeared to be the highlight (was there a highlight in here?).


If there's one railing to hold, then consider yourself fortunate. Using it as a stabiliser is still a terrible idea; why do you think the other one vanished?


Nazi's. They turn up everywhere, and more so in abandoned hospitals.


The corridor was bright and almost serviceable, with a few pieces of debris scattered about.


If those lights worked they would emit a dazzling aura. Maybe they operated in this room, it was nice and large though I associate operating theatres with lower floor rooms for some reason.


Doors with 'Out of Order' need to be opened. Many of the rooms were boring and samey, which is often the case in Hospitals.





These are priced at over £300. May as well leave this crap behind eh?


The ST316 device was placed inside some other 'junk' left behind. Like photocopiers they couldn't be arsed to take them away when they left.



That message is a little confusing. Perhaps if you worked here it may make more sense?


Some parts of ‘Ormskirk & District Hospital’ were in worse condition than others. The pigeons had moved in and started profusely shitting in this area.


Dark creepy corridors are a thing of the past. I became desensitised long ago.



The ‘Southerners’ had erected tri-pods and all manner of fancy equipment in the ‘tile room’. It was another rotting room, with some fancy tiles, nothing special lads.


That ‘Margaret Beavan’ must have been very influential once. We had already infiltrated her other hospital two years beforehand, and threatened with the cops by a local on exiting.


The tiles were nicely crafted and from an age where drawing could have been done by hand, and not mass produced.


There's little doubt that was once a children's ward, and by now it was dawning on me that the 'College' sign on the exterior of the building could only have meant, 'Nursing College’.

We left the other blokes to whatever they wanted to do, be it that strange paranormal weird stuff that some are turned on by.

I was expecting some more explorers to drop by after our unexpected meetup at Clarence High School. Over the coffee and bacon and eggs, a little pin trading was done an hour beforehand, though we seemed to benefit little from it and received bugger all.


Yet another very non-creepy corridor took us back to the access point.


If I could only bend and stretch a little more then sights such as these would be invigorating, instead of groan emitting. I could say I am becoming more flexible by the day, but fatter would be closer to the truth. Getting out was a lot easier than getting in.


An interesting diversion, that yielded little. It was off to the ‘House of Weird Warnings’ next. There is no rest, not until it gets dark.


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Southern paraknobheads, fuck me this world has gone to shit!

Twice now I have come across them exploring our lands!

spooky! lol

Nazis: more useless than a half-burned, half-waterlogged derp full of pigeon shit. Unworthy of graffiti in this less-destroyed structure.

I don't see the swastika that often. There are far more cocks, and sadly few vaginas. 😞

Perfect scenes by horror story

@tipu curate

LOL, most of these are horror stories, watch out for the next one!

I loved the tour, such a pity this building is abandoned and worse vandalised. The green tiles are awesome.


Some parts of the hospital seem serviceable, I think it can be renovated and serve again for the people.

Yes, it was very different in some areas to others. I guess parts were starting to fall apart and that constituted a health warning!

Nice explore - fairly interesting by the looks of things. And not even set on fire yet - bonus !

And not even set on fire yet - bonus !

Aye.., almost half of my explores have been subject to arson attacks.

There have been many stories about haunted hospitals.. Did this feel haunted? 😅

Not at all, in fact it was the least creepy hospital I have been in to date.

Good thing you aren't chunky! Getting into that opening takes someone on the skinny side. At least this place they cleaned out most of their stuff when they closed down.

Damn Nazi's, at least they weren't there when you showed up. It looks like once upon a time it was a pretty nice place. It's amazing how fast nature starts to reclaim abandoned buildings. You got some great pictures, and the roof didn't cave in on you so I'd call it a great exploration!

and the roof didn't cave in on you

Oh.., no chance of that. This wasn't one of those, 'almost caving in' types. The access point would be fine, if only I was a little younger. It's take me twice as long as @anidiotexplores to get through holes likes these.

That opening is about the size of a cave I used to explore when I was younger! I wouldn't even try to crawl in there now, I'm not as young as I once was... Age does slow us all down a little, sometimes a lot!

Southerners exploring your patch, hear the cry of disdain with little to look at let them have fun.

Tiles are unique, possibly each drawing depicting time in a region not yet built up/out!

Pity most explorers simply don't get it, leave untouched for the next to enjoy?


Southerners exploring your patch, hear the cry of disdain with little to look at let them have fun.

I don't think there's much for them 'down there'. All the old industry is in the north, where the peasants could be put to work!

Old mills, some conversions into dwellings have turned out awesome by what I have seen, not so much peasants any longer....

What can I say that you don't already know, I loved how complete your new urban investigation is, not without risk since at our ages it is not very convenient to do Spiderman, which adds a lot of value to this excursion.
It is unfortunate to see such beautiful buildings in such dire conditions.

I like to see and read your articles from time to time. Receive an affectionate greeting 😊

This is what I do to keep fit, and get the adrenaline running some. A side effect is lots of photographs and even more content to add on here.

So many things that could be done in the spaces occupied by this abandoned building, in Venezuela it could really be used and be useful. They must be from people who had or have enough money to live. Here the homeless people, at least on those lands that these buildings occupy, would have their homes and would not be as if it were a museum. Success in your publication.

Homeless people do try and live here, but ultimately don't last long. Here it tends to be freezing and old buildings emphasise the cold. I often see sleeping bags, but rarely their occupants.

I say dear, the state should demolish that and make it useful for urban planning or another purpose other than having it as an abandoned site. From Venezuela, thanks for sharing dear @slobberchops

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Lovely place

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Nice photographs. Greetings

You take very good pictures. I genuinely love old buildings but am too afraid to even peek through one😂


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Everywhere looks creepy and so disorganized
I wonder why this kind of place will be abandoned

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