Night work on the farm

in Homesteading6 months ago (edited)

The nights have been pretty mild in the last few weeks, no rain, no wind.. a bit cold but that is okay. Weather can change for the worst at any time. We spend a few hours on certain nights and early mornings getting more work done. And its all adding up, its always nice the next day going outside and seeing what is new after spending a night building.

Video included in the post at the end

My foreman staring at the wall waiting for leaks to show up.

During one of our nights we were working out on the farm, I collected some video of what we were up to. At the time the retaining wall was going up and timbers were placed using the skid steer. We also check the soil in the wall for any air pockets and fill in as needed with concrete.

The skid steer has been a valuable addition to the farm and we are thankful to have it just about every day.

Using a car battery, an inverter and some LED work lights we are able to see enough to work outside at night.

Water is used to find any leaks in the wall, we have to fill them up otherwise erosion will occur in those spots and make sinkholes in the wall.

This part honestly takes the longest, its a lot of just pouring water inside the wall and waiting, watching for leaks coming out. We cannot move on until these issues are resolved.

With the moon almost full it adds a little light as well. Cloudy but we can still see it.

A little bit of green is brought out as well for when we take breaks.

These LED lights are really kicking ass! They only use around 50w but provide so much light.

We have some other lights by our buildings but not where we are working at the time. Soon when I finish up the primary solar array we can light up both of my outdoor shop lights. But for now its best to leave them off so they do not consume too much power from my small array.

I recharge the car battery every day so its ready for another night work shift.

Another night shift, another sunset:

Just like working the early mornings, seeing the golden hour outside can be truly amazing. And while it lasts it adds a magical feeling to the air.

I pan to the right to get more of the sunset in the shot. All of these captures are from the video in the link below.

As the sun goes down its replaced by a nearly full moon. With every night we work the moon gets more full and bright.

Getting our tools lines up we have everything we need to keep working on the retaining wall.

Loads of dirt is brought over, we think over 20 tons have been used in the larger wall on the backside.

Finishing up on one of the corners of the wall, we place dirt after any leaks are filled with concrete.

He dumps the dirt, its so orange.. love it.

Switching attachments we use forks to move around the timbers for the wall. They are massive and weigh around 200-300 pounds each.

Building the wall one by one they all go up.

Soon it will be time to add dirt over on this side of the wall as well.

Driving into the darkness to get another timber, its good the skid steer has its own lighting as well.

YouTube video link:


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How great that you can use night hours to do some work and advance faster dear friend @solominer
Without a doubt, the mini charger is of great help in everything they are doing. My congratulations for this great addition, watch the video of the great work they do.
Have a happy start to the week

Yeah, I love that inverter.. it does a great job

Thanks for watching the video, and hope you have a good week too.

Skid steers are absolutely a crucial piece of equipment to have on a large property. I plan on getting one someday, just waiting for the right time. They are the modern day tractors in a lot of ways.

Why do you work at night, to avoid heat or just more convenient?

They sure are, besides the UTV it is our number one used machine here on the farm. They really are.. glad I got one.

My foreman is working day time at some local farms, so nights and mornings is when we get our work done here.

I hope your life will be more successful, friend, work until you are rich.

Much appreciated.. that is the plan :-)

Nice bro, i'm going américa next year hopefully can get a work like this to buid myself 💎⚡⚡⚡🤛🏻

Oh cool man have a good time here.

Which state are you visiting?

Hermosa máquina...

thanks man, yeah the Kabota's are great.. highly suggested.

Wow what a project!

Amazing that you undertake this project when the sun is down. I have been reading along and missed the details on why this is a night project.

It is neat watching the buildings go up imagining they will stay that way and be used for decades. Probably by future generations long after we are gone. Besides the sweat equity, those services and materials can really add up I bet. Wood ain’t cheap but protecting the building against erosion and the elements will definitely be worth it.

A little green in the night and watching the sun come up after a job well done must feel great.

Ah thanks man, I am working at night with my foreman as he is doing ranch work during the day. Mostly helping at some local cow and horse ranches. So nights and mornings is when we get work done on my farm right now.

Hehe yeah bud, sure does.. loving the life

Imagine working in a full moon :)

Its quite magical

I watched this video on Youtube man, it's really hard to work at night but it's still fun :P Especially if it's really hot.

Oh nice thanks man, luckily the summer is over around here. But it still gets warm sometimes during the day even in the winters here in the South.

Hi, nice work at night to advance the door under the watchful eye of the full moon until dawn comes bringing the sun. Have a good day, nice post.👍👍👍

Thanks bud, hope you do too.

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