


Fuck him up, that was my first idea.

C'était quoi donc ta tune avec le sample: ésotérisme experimental?

Ouais cette track est pas dans mon catalogue à cause des samples
Tiens voici:

I know but we gotta take the high road here, we owe it to ourselves. We were doing fine before he came along.

🤣😂🤣😂 this boy is going to be paying for premium Snapchat’s next and mad when the girl won’t fuck him.

what makes you think that is not already his morning routine ?

made one as well)

sun 1.png

I don't like Justin Sun, but I like him to fuck you hard.
What's your contribute to Steem? The evil blacklist?

Lol, he is actually retarded 😂😂😂

hey now lets not be nasty. The preferred nomenclature is "developmentally disabled"

Either way 😂😂😂
This is fun

I think you mean "special person"

Bang, Marry, Kill?

Thats two opions to much :D

I love u looong time justin oppah.

I thought there would be #ijustwantto.......

That may be the most unfortunate line in Steem history.

Justin is out of control...
911 please!!!

He is drunk :)

I don't think he is legal drinking age.

Lol, Justin is so unprofessional and childish omg 😂

Can't swipe left fast enough.

He's a fine looking lad, why not both?

He might look fine, but on the inside he's rotten. 0/20 witness slots would recommend it.

@runicar look at him 😂😂

why oh why Justin... damn kid.

How did he manage to acquire so much damn money!!

Listening to this right now.

You all are savages.

I appreciate your ideological positioning.

It was really instructive to evesdrop on your conversations. Thanks for sharing.

Criticism -- you personally might have been more compliant -- but you kind of cracked me up that you weren't. Cause I'm sometimes too compliant, and sometimes too obstinant.

It's just funny to see it from the outside.

Thanks for going to bat for decentralized blockchain.

@themarkymark I've listen you on 3h talk with Roy. You're my hero!

Community, in a way in my opinion those were Self Worship points. Stay blessed.@themarkymark, In my opinion those points were not for the

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