This Musician Says He Is a Clone.. The Latest In a Line of People Saying The Same Thing.

in #dlive6 years ago


Given the clear advances in biology, chemisty, physics and related branches of science - do we really think it is impossible or even unlikely that human clones exist already?

There are many individuals who have allegedly whistleblown on being involved in covert cloning programs, from Max Spiers (RIP) and Michael Prince / James Casbolt to Donald Campbell and beyond.. This musician who uses the name 'Kid Buu' is open about being a 'second generation' clone. He names other artists who are also clones - produced by 'Clone Aid' and mentions Michael Jackson was one too.

Is this just a cynical marketing stunt? Or perhaps a genuine case of whistleblowing??

What do you think/feel?

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

My video is at DLive


Unless DNA testing comes in, I'd say its just a move to get attention.

There are many black budget projects out there, so if anyone doubts clones are real, it is because they have under-estimated the advancement of these projects. If this person is a clone or not, hard to tell, but worth looking into.

There's no denying other cloning programs using animals, so why wouldn't they move on to humans. That said, I find it unlikely that human cloning technology was being used around the time Micheal Jackson was born, and as for this guy...forgive me for making assumptions, but he strikes me as someone who might be emotionally unstable and/or mentally ill.

Even my own university professors made clear to me in 1999 that the military computing technology was 30 years ahead at least.. I don't denounce such claims as impossible, given the huge secrecy I know to definitely exist and to have been around for so long. At the same time though, I don't know for sure either way in this case.

We all watched as Dolly the sheep died when she was at half her life expectancy due to multiple health issues. Our best scientists couldn't get it then, and that was in the 90's, but Micheal Jackson came from a government lab in 1958?

Some of the subjects I've posted about are pretty hard for most people to believe, but I just can't wrap my mind around this one. An interesting subject though!

The 'best' scientists are usually absorbed into 'black projects' that are totally secret now - as I understand. This is a subject I have tracked for a long time and it has been going on for decades. The public view of where 'science' is at, is very different to the actual situation behind closed doors. This is partially because the level at which the science is being performed means that its results will affect everyone, whether they like it or not and thus there would be public outcry to stop much of it if they knew.. and partially because the objectives of much of the work goes against the principles that many people hold. There are also military reasons too.

One interesting book is 'the day after Roswell' by Colonel Corsoe - who was a (now deceased) high ranking colonel in the US military who wrote a detailed book near his death exposing his role in recovering a crashed UFO in New Mexico and where the technology went that was reverse engineered. He states that CD players, CPUs, fiber optics and other technology were all reverse engineered from that crash and then passed off as if they were created by corporations. There is a great deal of smoke and mirrors on our planet!

Obviously you've researced this more than I. Some things are hard to believe, but I keep an open mind because anything is possible. I know firsthand that there are areas in our government that are straight up malicious. A little over 3 years ago, I became a victim of organized stalking. Hacking of my devices, being followed, aggression from strangers in the community. There are a lot of shady programs out there, and I guess I'm throwing this into my comment because I know you'd probably believe me. I try to get the word out about it, so, here's my story if you care to know. Nice talking to you! :)

Music is really very distinctive
Something amazing I definitely liked


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I guess that the rumors of human clones still belongs to science fiction and is not a reality right now. Sure technological we are moving fast forward but why should a company put their clones out in public? And like we see with all technology they should have some flaws that make them not sustainable for a long life without oversight. That said, I remember the clone sheep "Doly" from UK it didn't survived more than a year. So this guy is probably the age when "Doly" was around so he should be already dead by now.

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Please see my reply to @snowpea for more insights into my reply to this.

A fascinating concept but quite unbelievable. I'm sure if he was a clone there probably would be people that would want him to stop saying he was one.

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Clones overall are a marketing stunt, to be honest. Unless it's a species that is extinct and we're cloning it for fun and profit, why clone humans? I have the genes of ! If the sample was taken at birth gives you have something like the same 15 percent of their potential as a baby. The rest of their gene code has "developed" over their lifespan from the influence of their environment and will inevitably carry some DNA defects.
Why not dna-engineer a baby instead? All the good baby potential with whatever genes you want and none of that nasty old man\woman DNA trash to deal with.