When a typhoon shows you how much you've grown

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I woke up this morning with water covering my bedroom floor. I jumped right up to get a mop mopped it all up, but the water kept coming from under the bed, a bed way too heavy to move right now.


The window in kitchen next door has a broken lock and so it swings open when there is wind like this. I spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to keep it from opening, tied a rope between the lock and the handle which kept it from flying open. In the meantime I realized that none of the 10 friends I live with were responsible enough to refill our water supply.

The previous night I told a friend we needed toilet paper because people get stupid during disasters and buy it quicker than it can be shipped to the stores "Don't worry! We'll be ok! We can use our hands! We won't die! No need to worry!" He's not the most patient of my friends. "I'm not worried about dying, I just want to make it through the next 24 hours without any unnecessary pain in the ass. You better hope we have clean water to wash our hands if we are wiping our asses with them".

I wasn't trying to be an alarmist. I was in a similar typhoon 2 years ago and I was in the big earthquake in Japan in 2011. My friends attitude is that if there are inconveniences we can just deal with it, I can appreciate that. Using my hand to wipe my ass won't be the end of the world. Fasting for a day or two isn't REALLY a huge deal in the scheme of things, but I'd rather fast of my own free will then because I was too stupid to store up some food. There is a difference between being worried and just simple preparations.

Since the two more responsible roommates are out of the country, I've taken up the role of mommy. Last night I went out in the wind to buy toilet paper with one friend empathetic to my cause and we proceeded to boil lots of water and fill up all the containers we had. Then everyone preceded to get high enough that they wouldn't remember there was a storm. They put on loud music and partied until the morning when they all fell asleep. I slept early because I didn't know what today would be like, if a window broke (or if my room flooded, which in the end it did) I wouldn't be able to sleep in the morning. Good thing I slept before the worst of it came!

So as I was multitasking between refilling the water supply which everyone else had forgotten about and mopping up what new water had leaked in, keeping the bad water out and the good water in, I was letting thoughts come and go. I had short spurts of wanting to be angry at my friends for not being responsible in a natural disaster. I didn't let any of the angry or disappointed thoughts grab hold though.

I thought about how I was being useful, where in the past I had not always found a use for myself. I thought about how this was a learning experience for me as well as them. I thought about how I had slept for a full 7 hours where everyone else would be lucky to get 3 or 4 hours and how I would have had even less if I had stayed up to play with them. I thought about how I love them even when they are stupid and how I prefer them to friends who would freak out and panic. I thought about how NOT ANGRY I was and how amazing that felt. Up until very recently I would have let my emotions get the best of me and here I was with a bunch of extra work to do to keep my room from flooding and to keep everyone hydrated in case the pipes have a problem, and I'm just flowing with it, going along with everything, but still very clear in my will.

As I filled up the last of the water supply, one friend woke up and saw the window sturggling to stay closed. He went to his room and pulled out some metal wire to tie the window to the kitchen counter. I felt grateful.

It feels so good to just NOT get angry or annoyed. What can you do about a typhoon, other than just enjoy it? I understand that that was how my friends felt as well. I would love it if they could have that party now instead of last night, now that I'm awake and the flood is mostly taken care of. Still it's nice to spend the day steeming in bed. I feel good that I can say everything I want to say and do everything I want to do and deal with what can't be helped and deal with whatever comes my way calmly. I really love this person I've become! Even a typhoon is a chance to see the good!


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Stay safe and as dry as possible.
If the door is not the only exit or entrance you can always use a nail in the jamb to keep it closed (sounds like a strike plate issue)
Always best to take things in stride and it sounds to me like you are handling things like a champ!
Enjoy the experience and make the best of it

thanks for the advice! The storm is over now we are cooking and eating as usual and all is fine. I was kind of hoping for a water outage for just a few hours so I could be like “I told you so” but I’m happy without any of that too!

Awesome to read how you managed to turn this possible disaster into something positive.
Don't forget that a typhoon is a vortex after all ;>)

It's clear that you have leveled up a lot. Not just on Steemit.

Did you read any of @kennyskitchen’s rpg stuff, I really want to think about how to make something based off that, but fiction, or maybe memoir. I’ll have to talk to him about it.

I started on it, then got sidetracked by other things ( no need to explain that ).
Sounds cool! I love to hear how inspired you feel these days.

Same here, I'm doing great. Had an awesome filmmaking talk today and went on another hike.

Onwards and upwards!

Good on you! That's a really healthy way to deal with a bad situation. Stay safe during the storm - with all the news about Aunt Flo here, I didn't realize there was also a typhoon out there!

It was huuuuuuuuuge, but all was ok. I was in a very safe place and apparently all was ok in this city

I must say I enjoy your friends attitude towards the storm. That is how to make the best of a bad situation

I agree, I just wish they would think about what simple preparations they might want to do. Like I said, I’ll wipe ass without toilet paper if I have to, but if I can avoid it, why not! They’ll laugh and kick themselves while saying “fuck we should have bought more vegetables last night”

I am happy for you mam that you are able to think about a typhoon so lightly and slightly unprepared. My experience on hurricanes changed that visio last year and would have the house prepped skyhigh hahaha.

but dealing with what happens, that is a skill indeed, and it is cool that you are starting to master it!

Good luck mopping my friend!

It really depends where you are, both the town/city and the building. I was staying in what would be considered storage space in very solid building, high up but surrounded by higher mountains, so we don’t get the worst of it, just a lot of leakage from makeshift walls and old windows.

If we were in another location, I’m sure my friends would have thought more about this. If everyone is physically safe and the roof doesn’t cave in, I’m all good!

thats in the end what it is all about...

amazing how relaxt you are hahahahhaha

I used to live with 4 roommates (and good friends) and I was the one who had the "mommy" role in the house.It was really irritating some times but not any more. Still I am not sure if that is because I have grown up or because I don't have friends close to my current home :)

Communal living is much more fun when you have somewhere else to go to take a break. The larger the group the more complications, this group is quite large.

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