For a moment

in Freewriterslast month

Why is it that when we die, we appear to others as something precious that they have lost and have only just felt its value? .Then rummaging in his past life and his memories . .
and detail of his words and his precise movement
Then they rush to cry over us. And grope the effects of our steps and our memories
They flip through our notebooks and photo albums...and put them in the picture icons of social media programs
They write beautiful words and wonderful prose about us, and the faces and signs of sadness begin to be witnessed on every occasion and in every aspect of their life’s routine.
Nothing was difficult,
They do it while we are alive. . ?
To reveal their love to us. .
To feel remorse about their mistakes and Failure FAQ
It is not difficult for them to share the love, laughter, and happy moments that we dream of
they have to be close friends
When we die we become more valuable for them
We become something worthy of crying fervently only when the door of death closes between us and them
In this life, we are only guests. We enter the world for a period of time and the card of life is taken from us. They are simple moments. We spend them in its paths and labyrinths, and we do not know when it will be said that so-and-so left and so-and-so died... They are a bridge between birth and death.
We do not know how long this bridge is
Today our loved ones may be close, but they will soon be far away, and then we will suffer greatly because we did not deposit our feelings in their ears and hearts.
We will regret that we did not spend the time with them that befits their importance in our lives and our love for them.
We always think that tomorrow will give us enough time to enjoy it with our loved ones, but transferring our wishes to it is the biggest trick we have ever done in history. It gives us an excuse to kill the great opportunities available to us today. We have provided him with every means to steal our beautiful moments
The worst thing we can do is put our wishes in tomorrow's bags. Carry your wishes on your shoulders. Let it accompany you this moment and every moment
Write, go out and have fun with your loved ones today. Live the moment now so that you do not remain imprisoned for the rest of your life behind the bars of regret
Be close to your wives, husbands, children, mothers, relatives, relatives, and those you love before separation knocks on the door of your life.