I am your friend who robbed you on the bus

in Freewriters29 days ago

Written by the Pakistani poet and writer Adeeb Mirza, who died in 1999. In his book "The Lamp".
He says :
I went to Delhi in the sixties to work...and one day I got off the bus; Then I searched my pockets to discover that someone had robbed me, and what I had in my pocket when I was robbed was only nine rupees, and a letter in an envelope that I had written to my mother. The letter said:
"...My loving mother!! I was fired from my job. I cannot send you the usual fifty rupees this month.."
I had put this letter in my pocket three days ago, hoping to send it later with whatever rupees I had available, and even though the nine rupees that were stolen were worth nothing; But the one who was fired from his job; His money was stolen, worth 9,000 rupees in his opinion!!
A few days ago, I received a letter from my mother saying:

"I received 50 rupees from you via your money transfer. How wonderful you are, my son. You send me the money on time and are not late at all, even though they fired you from your job. I pray for your success and abundance of livelihood.."
I lived hesitantly and confused for days... Who sent this amount to my mother?!! A few days later, I received another letter in a barely readable handwriting, in which the owner wrote:
“I got your address from the letter’s envelope, and I added to your nine rupees, forty-one rupees that I had collected previously, and sent a money transfer to your mother according to the address in your letter... Frankly, I thought about my mother and your mother, and I said to myself: Why does your mother spend her days spending the night?” Taoist on hunger and bear your sin and her sin?
Greetings to you... I am your friend who robbed you on the bus... so forgive me!