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RE: Pro-life vs Pro-Choice - revisiting the moral debate.

in #abortion4 years ago

Abortions aren't rare. I don't think it's a common viewpoint of pro-choice community to want them to be rare either. Maybe it is something that is said just to say it, a sound bite or whatever.

If it was there wouldn't be 40 million abortions worldwide a year at this rate. 14 million so far in 2020 in 4 months.


People who don't want kids shouldn't be fucking without condoms.

It would be awesome if in ten years the number of abortions per year was reduced by a meaningful amount through earlier birth control or education or reversing religious mind control or abstinence until higher levels of maturity

Some of the current methods of abortion sound barbaric and some of the historical motivation for abortions was more about surpressing races the proponents didn't like rather than for the good of the mother.

The idea that we humans could be killing the next inventor of life changing medicine or technology that allows humans be able to colonize the sun (joking but you get my point) makes me sad. And obviously the lack of choice for the unborn.