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in #abortion8 years ago

Hi papa-pepper! I would just like to say that I support your conclusions wholeheartedly, althought I think that instead of trying to support them by saying logical conclusion (the conclusion stating that abortions are moral) is stupid and that the non-logical conclusion (abortions are immoral) is the right one, I believe that the immorality of abortion can be justified logically. I would also like to say that you should beware of ocrdu, he seems to be a (very smart) troll. I recently posted an article about animal rights and voluntaryism, and his comment appeared to be the only one that seemed like he had an intelligent question/objection. Quickly the subject was changed into one of children's rights instead of animal rights, which I also tried to explain my position on (not fully, obviously, since I could write an entire post about children's rights), which he/she did not even attempt to understand, but just proceeded to argue about semantics, accused me of supporting retarded baby stomping, and said my thoughts were a "dead end". I decided not to continue explaining myself because I realized that he/she didn't care (I did have answers to his objections, I just thought that they would be wasted on him/her). If you would like for me to write a post on my postion on the rights of children/babies/the unborn, please respond - I don't know if my efforts would be appriciated or a waste of time.
Best regards,
Ethan from


You are certainly free to make the effort, but results may vary on how people respond to it.

It is good to share our beliefs with others and exchange ideas in an attempt to reveal truth, but not everyone appreciates it.

I share more about other topics here.

Thanks @libertyadvocate.