The Most Profound Question - Abraham Hicks

I've been thinking about this ... interview? A lot lately.

As my own thoughts have been shifting to a better place, I've been finding the answers to questions just after I ask them. I've been finding new information I didn't know I was looking for that answers other questions I've been thinking about. In the last two days, for some reason, I've been thinking about this guy and his questions.

It's not really an interview. This is a clip of one guy asking a question at a seminar put on by Abraham Hicks.

He asks two questions. The first is a pretty straight forward question in regard to other questions. The second question is less so. This guy promised he wouldn't ask this question. Hearing the question, it's pretty clear the reason is because it's cheeky, and perhaps disrespectful. It sounds like the kind of question you ask a spiritual guru, just to try and throw a kink in their pious speech. The worshipers then get angry, the guru stumbles over their thoughts at being challenged, and no one likes the uncomfortable silence that follows. He asks, and the audience has this audible response that clearly says they expect something hilarious in response. What follows next is, "Tell your friends that you have asked the most profound question that has ever been asked."

The audience of course laughs. What comes next is not what they expected though.

I'll leave the rest to the video. I can't deliver the same flair, and resonance in the video through text. I hope you find it as delightful as I do.