Oh flaggers...when will you learn?

in #abuse6 years ago (edited)

It's not about the rewards, it's about wasting your voting power so you can't reward the trash you have been.  So far, I've taken at LEAST $200 you could have rewarded your North Korean friend!

Please, keep flagging my posts and comments.  You're doing us all a great service.

@done @bcc @steemrant @qubes @uradick - this is for you!


Check out this spammer:

Been wondering about that too. Is statmonkey related. I like statmonkey.

I don't know him I just hate spammer with there fucking phishing links.

I'm glad. Me too. Be sure to mention @steemflagrewards if you flag and leave a constructive comment.

Okay next time.

greate post thank you

I got down voted by one of them for commenting on one of Bernies posts and it destroyed my reputation score. Really not cool for the minnows man im out here legitimately trying hard to grow my account, engage with the community and contribute some content :(

They're trying to prove a point. Soon enough they'll realize it's more fun making money than wasting it, or, they'll just get bored...

Then you need to join @FlagAWhale

Thanks for the tip, will do!

Congratulations @abusereports, this post is the forth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1300 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $8419.99. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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At some point we have all been ignorant friend

They are fighting negative reviews with flags..... everytime I hear "flag" I think back to the Eddie Izzard skit:

I actually thought you were an account set up by the whales, witnesses or something. Didn't know you were just a fellow hustler.
Well done.

I am both.

Sorry,I really don't get it sir.

while you are at it how about upvoting me to gain back my rewards that done downvoted due to me encouraging you

Just come make some decent comments on my funny videos, i upvote every decent comment. (shrugs)