Steemit Defence League - You Have My Attention.... So Now What???

in #abuse6 years ago

So here's a little story about spammy little accounts with nothing better to do than to Flag people with 0.00 flag effect. I don't know why, or what the goal is, but somehow I wound up the privileged recipient of their flagging endeavor.

I thought about sending some micro transactions to their wallets, but I figured I would shout it out that Gina told me they were pestering me and give them a place to share their grievances with me openly. So here you go Steemit Defence League.... An open forum, a place where you can let me know why you flagged me. Do you not like Silver Stacking? Do you have something against me personally? Is it the fact that I am using Bid Bots that pisses you off?

I promise not to flag any responses to this post. Have at it, comment whatever you like. I can't vouch for my readers, but you will be flag free from me. I can't promise that a continued flagging behavior will keep you from earning a flag, but a comment on this post will not be flagged.

New to "Steemit Defence League"? Well I did a quick search and found out that they LOVE them some @berniesanders....

Of Course who doesn't have a ton of love for the Bern?

So following the links from Bernie's post, we have this post from @camillesteemer who just happened to find (and in no way founded and created) Steemit Defence League...

So that's all the time I have for researching these flies today. But bring on some Discord... let's talk about your issues.

Oh. And if you have a problem with my use of bid bots... I am sending a bid of 50 SBD for this particular post jut to piss you off a little more. Have fun with your flags on that.


I tried to find posts about this issue and yours seems to be the most recent one.
can you or anyone else tell me what i did to be on their list?

i use steemit daily the same way i did for months now and out of the blue 2 days ago camillesteemer decided to give me 5 downvotes.
so i checked its profile, saw that it was a troll account and flagged it for spam.
since then im getting up to 10 downvotes from different freshly created troll accounts. up to 3 accounts per day. since i have no way of reporting them i just mute them and hope that it does something.

i just checked on their website that is posted everywhere on those account infos and saw that i am on there list and big bold letters.

i dont know who they are, who berniesanders is or who abusereports is (reading into it i saw that they have problems with those accounts)

so can anyone go through my history for the past 3 days and tell me what exactly i did to get on that list in big bold letters?

i just want to know. thanks

I too have been down voted by steemit-defence-league though under the name @astipmonkey, I received 4 right in a row. I usually post the same time every day and use bid bots. Not really sure what the issue is. No comments or explanation. I did reach out to them through micro transaction memo, no response. Their page does have this link .

Great article you post here with a great point. It's very annoying the spam that comes with Steem. I think there should be a system that bans account that spam too much