
I believe the biggest mistake the "good guys" make is in assuming common ground with everyone or almost everyone.
In my research I haven't found any blue color working class people upset that people are finding opportunities in the crypto revolution, when I can track them down it is always a relatively "rich" person (who are butthurt on forums) and they usually have significantly more money than me.

Could it be that there is a loose, inverse correlation of money to empathy?

There may be correlation, however correlation does not equal causation.

Consider the United States, a country that has spent 90% of it's life at war. It is also one of the richest countries in the world.

Warfare is a sign of a lack of empathy. That seems to correlate well with the apparent wealth of the United States.

I'd say that based on that alone, there is a strong inverse correlation between wealth and empathy.

"blue color working class"