@actifit #feedback

in #actifit3 months ago

I have been a fan of @actifit for a long time.

I have been posting with them between a few account since basically the start.

I used to delegate HP too I think.

There are a few things that I think they need to do to take it to the next level.

#1. The main thing is to speed up the app. The iPhone app is unbearably slow.

It take a lot of time to even make a post. I have never used a slower app. I have spoken to others and they feel the same way. most have just quit using the app all together. I hope the team can take some time and fix that.

I think it would make the experience so much better.

We have a need for speed these days and the people expect a fast app.




You get my point right?

Now that I think about it that's the only thing I need changed to go back to using actifit every day.

Actifit should love my business. I get $2 on most posts and they take 5% off the top. Speed up that app I will most likely go back to every day posting.

I will keep using the app just probably not as much.

Thoughts from others?