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RE: My Thursday Favourites #ccc 2.25 Contest!

in #actifit5 years ago

Oo really? I try to remember to upvote both steemworld and steemchiller's post. But I am not aware that steemworld is in trouble. I thought I saw that there is a monthly steemworld day now, to be reminded of the work done and for us to donate what we can.

Ah, steemd only shows the public keys. If you look at your private keys, the keys are different. Even steemit shows the public keys. Shouldn't be any need to worry there. Happy Sunday <3


@marblely What is the difference between public keys and private keys?

I resteemed a post of steemworld where announced they will ask a monthly fee if the donation is not high enough. Perhaps that is why the monthly reminding day started?

Now I am only worried about the traffic jam I am in. Only one more hour to the hotle., started driving at 1am and am tired. Think a truck accident. Happy day. ❤️