
in #actnearn4 years ago

Thyroid is a gland on the neck. It’s like a butterfly in shape. When thyroid gland upsets. So many problems arised due to disturbance in the gland. Main function of this gland is to send t3 and t4 to different part of the body.
Symptoms of disturbed thyroid gland:
Slow metabolism.
Muscle and joints pain.
Hair loss.
Weight loss or weight gain.
Constipation .
Body tiredness.

Home remidies to control thyroid:
Hot and cold compression. Take two bowl of water one is hot and one is cold. Dip the towel in hot water and put the towel on your neck for 2 minutes and then put the towel in cold water and take the cold Compression for 1 minutes same way take 3 steps of each.

While sleeping take half onion and rub on the neck few minutes and leave it overnight don’t wash it. Wash it next morning.

Take coriander powder soak 1 table spoon corriender powder soak overnight and drink it in the morning.

You can do ujjai pranayama for that it’s best.

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