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RE: ADHD and Creativity: How Creative Gifts Can Treat ADHD

in #adsactly6 years ago

And so you are rare, and what is rare is precious
and maybe because of it an artist...
I happen to be very sensitive... like I cry watching the stars, and I hug trees and I rescue spiders... Many would take that as odd but I am proud of it.
My misdiagnose came from "physical" condition for a long while... I also thought I had something I had not until it was properly "placed"... but still everything makes us who we are.


We are all special snowflakes ❄ Priscilla! Some more than others! Every snowflake is completely unique in its makeup, much like us as humans. Anyone that disagrees with this is in denial and lacks the embrace of their own weirdness! After all, what is normal? There is no such word on my vocabulary! You are an incredibly weird, wonderful and beautiful soul, and never change! I hope you're feeling better hun. ♥ @paintingangels @d-vine I include you in this too you freaky deaky beauts! 😘

I made a song about that, pretty sure you've heard it... about embracing our oddities... because they make us unique.
Well we change, even if we are not aware, we are constantly shifting and at the same time that is not a betrayal to ourselves because we´re always in endless flow, we get also richer as we share and see the spark in others... Blaze! And thanks for the compliment and for extending to my favourite friends around... cos I adore them!