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RE: October ProgBlog #1: potential end to the eternal note slog

in #aer2 years ago

Gosh you have come so far (so much work!), haha but fun as well.

Obsidian looks a bit like a mind map way of keeping your thoughts and connections together; looks like an interesting tool if going deep into a story line.

I might have a play.


I'm glad it looks that way as it really, really doesn't feel it ^_^;

I've been finding Obsidian great for a lot of things, I just wrote this one up as it was probably the most intensive setup (the psueodorganiser and roleplaying vaults did require a little bit of tooling but were otherwise straight up just finding a comfortable workspace layout and way of organising the notes and installing a bunch of add-ons).

Definitely recommend having a look and seeing if it can be of any use to you :)