June ProgBlog #2: thought track

in #aerlast year

A new problem arose. I have this song in my thought track:

and I found out from comments on that video that there is a version with vocals.

And it has beautiful lyrics.

And now I don't know which one I want in the thought track. They're currently both back to back in the Spotify version of the thought track (which is missing a couple of tracks that aren't on Spotify) while I attempt to make something resembling a decision.

I don't know if I will be able to make a decision anytime soon

Meanwhile the home stretch of feathering is of course going infinitely slower than I want it to.

I got a decent stretch of work in on my work day but again started much later than I wanted because I can't remember why, part of it was waking up late due to going to bed late and part of it was having some scurrying around to do in the morning.

I was intending to do more on the following day as I'm not roleplaying at the moment but stuff happened and then I crashed my computer trying to get this screenie.

While working I noticed in the candy version that there were a lot of gaps so I switched back to rendered view and crashed my computer again. But from the last crash I had actually looked up how to enable SysRq (which I had thought was on already and just not responding to the keyboard because the crash also hung the keyboard for the most part) and followed the manual instructions (chuck sysrq_always_enabled=1 into the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT parameter which is up the top of /etc/default/grub) so I was actually able to REISUB instead of all the hard boots I'd previously put the poor computer through because I had thought REISUB wasn't worklng.

I finally got the rendered view to be able to find out the gaps that I was seeing aren't noticable when there's texture.

And then I noticed that the transition lines were fugly and so I'm going to be spending way too much time fixing it. This is why no matter how tedious and boring something is and how desperately you just want it done as fast as possible, you do it properly the first time so that you don't have to waste even more time fixing everything that you screwed up because you rushed it trying to get it over and done with as fast as possible.

This post also appears on my blog.

Want a cameo character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) Everything you need to know is (probably) here and if it isn't just ask (sorry the link goes offsite to my blog where the layout is how I want rather than the one here which is only here because the original one was).

Thanks for looking! ^_^

Fun Discord servers:

Hive Australia | Be Awesome | artbees | OnChainArt

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I kind of wish that you could/ would actually listen to my podcast, so your creative process might become a little smoother. No, let me rephrase that: so you might feel a little better about it all. But, perhaps, this is just your way of writing/ talking about it. One way or another it sounds like a neverending struggle between (hu)man and machine and I feel like giving you a big hug

I can only "near enough is good enough" so far because what seems like a minor glitch at the beginning of the pipeline might wreak enough havoc further down that it requires a lot of rework or scrapping and starting again (speaking from way more experience than I want). There's reasons I'm so thoroughly perfectionist obsessive with this stuff XD

Yeh the writing is partly to get any annoyance out XD and mostly to try to explain processes and make anyone else on a similar kind of trip feel better about themselves (either because they're doing better or they're having similar struggles and can realise that they're nnot alone and also despite how other people make things look, sometimes things do actually just take that long and it's not actually as excessive and unreasonable as we feel it is with our overwhelming desire for instant gratification. Or something along those lines.

Yay raptor hugs :D

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Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2023
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Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - June 2023 Winners List
Be ready for the July edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2023