October ProgBlog #1: muddling not-Monday

in #aer10 months ago

Screenshot of a render because I was too lazy to save out the actual render. Did it as a test partly because Blender is apparently slightly less likely to crash if I do renders as opposed to the viewport preview and mostly because it's been a while since I did one and I have to do one every so often to make sure things looks how they're supposed to look (the viewport render is pretty accurate but is also deliberately lower quality than even my preview renders).

I was trying to make sure that some of the skin gaps I could see weren't going to be as blatant with textures as they are in the candy shading and I think it looks mostly okay and also the chances of me ever being this close are slim.

By the way, this is a monumentally stupid way to do feathers. Don't do feathers like this. Use geonodes or something I donno. I did it like this because I was really, really, really struggling to wrap my meagre brain around geonodes and was feeling an overwhelming, excruciating, debilitating sense of time pressure so I did it like this and had to deal with the overwhelming, excruciating, debilitating tedium instead.

I got nearly to the wrist and was feeling pretty good about things and felt like I was actually getting somewhere and then realised that the patterning was wrong.

Cue more extremely mind numbing tedious hours of silent screaming while I move up and down the whole wing trying to fix both sides, occasionally adding in feathers in any gaps I happen to create. At the moment it's mostly positioning and layering issues that I'm having.

While doing that I've been backburning how to tackle horns and tails, and eventually decided that the most sensible way to do it will be to add them to the base models as characters that need them come up (as opposed to trying to make all the varieties at the outset which I considered doing for about a second before deciding that was stupid).

I also went through my scripts again because it's been a while and am doing some cleanup stuff and also making myself a Sona dictionary/notes thing and probably having way too much fun being able to break words down into component parts.

The scripts are still getting the occasional polish purely because I can't leave well enough alone. I should probably send them to sibling dearest to see if there's any gaping plot holes that I've still somehow managed to miss.

This post also appears on my blog.

Want a cameo character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) Everything you need to know is (probably) here and if it isn't just ask (sorry the link goes offsite to my blog where the layout is how I want rather than the one here which is only here because the original one was).

Thanks for looking! ^_^

Fun Discord servers:

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Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.


Good to see progress. What do you use to write your scripts?

To some value of progress!

Nah it's been going, just a lot slower than I'd like x_x

I use Obsidian, and the scripts are actually part of my "notes" (I wrote about how I was using Obsidian to organise my notes this month last year if you're interested, though I don't think Pane Relief and Frontmatter Tag Suggest are as necessary anymore with the updates Obsidian has had to include a lot of their functionality).

How have you been?

They look great and its awesome to see the goat footer is still doing the rounds!

Scooter :D

Thanks ^_^ and the goat footer will probably be around a while yet XD

Where/how have you been?

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