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RE: September ProgBlog #2: retopo home stretch

in #aer4 years ago

Thanks ^_^

A normal map makes a relatively low poly thing look a lot more detailed than it actually is without requiring an insane number of polygons. In this case it will get all (or at least a lot) of the detail from my sculpt mesh onto the retopo mesh (which as you can see from the last image in this post is not nearly as detailed as the sculpt mesh).

I've been dreading this upcoming moment for quite some time, I'm hoping it will be a lot easier than I expected so I can laugh about the dread later XD


Sorry for delayed reply. I was away from computer for last week. I have to say it was quite nice and I got to make some new Sand sculptures which is something I really missed this year.

The normal map things sound like just what I need to learn about. Looking forward to more of your progress.

Don't have to be sorry for delayed replies with me, I'm used to very extended conversations spanning ages from forums way back when that you actually had to check in frequently because notifications what were those ;D

They're actually pretty easy to paint with bpainter, but you needed to bake from photogrammetry craziness didn't you?

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