in #afritunes3 months ago
Hello my amazing people of Afritunes. I am @ernesto6402 and this will be my first time being a part of Three Tunes Tuesday (TTT). Though I have been participating in other activities of the community but this is my first of being a part of this amazing event. Now let's get on with it. For this week's TTT I will be bringing us an amazing musician, a song writer and a producer. I will bringing us the legendary Cobhams Asuqua. There are so many things to be said about Cobhams but I will with respect to the event of the day be focusing on his "three most amazing songs". My judgement on these songs are personal and one can as a matter of fact prefer other songs of his over the ones I have chosen as my best.


Among all Cobhams song this is the first I ever tried scoring on the keyboard, and I never succeeded entirely. I try though, but that guy is something else. Cobhams is a great musician and it is evidenced in this simply chorused song of his. Yes, the song is extremely simply lyricswise, it is simply the chorus that was sung in all of the song as there was no verse of any kind associated with the song. The most amazing thing about the song "angels all around is the message it conveys", it is simply a song that reminds us about the value of having good people around you and I love the fact that Cobhams passed such an amazing message through such simply lyrics.


Among all Cobhams song, ordinary people was the first I ever had. I first heard the song in the year 2017 from WAZOBIA TV and from that very day I completely felled in love with it. Ordinary People is also message filled and I love it more because of the powerful lyrics it carries. As Cobhams will put it in that very song, "if we have a world of ordinary people extraordinary things will happen through me and you". Among every song that I have ever listened to, ordinary people is the one that calls humanity most to her responsibilities. After hearing the song for the first time, I never stopped playing it and listening to it over and over again. I have a lot to say about this amazing song but I will stop and allow you to listen to it yourself.


The most interesting fact about the song "everyday" by Cobhams is the instrumentals. I do not know how he did it but Cobhams was able to blend multiple genres in that one song. Listening to the song one could hear genres like soul and R&B music. Even with these two genres being blended, Afro still found it's way into the song. Cobhams though did not do this magic alone, the legendary Sound Sultan alongside Bez partnered with him. There is a lot to say about the instrumental of the song everyday but we must not leave out the message which are embodied in the lyrics. Everyday is simply a song that reminds humanity that their is a reward for evil did and that there are possibilities of evil acts catching up with the one who does them. Now I will let you listen to the song yourself.

Cobhams is one of my favorite musician, he is in fact my mentor as far music is concerned and I am happy to have sheared him with you guys today. One Love ✌️



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