in #afritunes8 months ago (edited)

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Hello music lovers.
This is another week on #afritunesweek82 This week I will be singing the song that was suggested for this week titled "Taking Care" by Moses Bliss.
My presentation today has

This song is another way of telling God thank you. The first time I heard this song was on my friend's phone and immediately I heard the song it ministered to my spirit and I felt relieved in my heart.

image source

The day I heard this song, I woke up with a heavy heart with many worries, about how my life would take a new shape.

I went to my friend's house for a visit, and also to take a walk to be free of the worries on my mind. as God will have it when I got there, she began to play this song and the lyrics of the song were sinking into my brain, it worked a miracle and my worries all disappeared and I began to reason in another way.

As the song was playing I said to myself

I woke up this morning with worries but many wanted to wake up and couldn't.

Many want to see this day but they are no more. we are alive today does not mean we are the most righteous and those who are dead are sinners. Grace and mercy have us alive every day we sleep and we take another opportunity to say Thank you, Jesus.

Are you worried about others' success and you forget how God has been your guide?

Examine your life and see how God has been taking care of you.

Thanks for listening.

full lyrics

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 176 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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I definitely agree with you again.
That we are alive doesn't mean that we are too good
It's just God all the way
Wonderful entry 👍