The Confusing Design Of The Current Afterlife (Part One)

in #afterlife8 months ago


The CORE problem with any religion, regardless of the details and daily differences in the way/s one should live, and the ways one should prepare to die, and the preparative expectations of what happens after death, the problem remains, the problem is the picture, image, and sense of "heaven". Across ALL religions, ALL beliefs, for everyone. To some degree or another. Whether they're brave enough to admit it or not, everybody has such a hard time envisioning a true, real, scientific and fantasy "resting place". But they can all sense there is something more to life.

Nobody is yet 100% certain about what happens after we die. They may even believe enough to feel certain. And in order to make/force them to prove their belief, others demand/expect words/images/maths to explain it. Or in alternative words, others need science and imagination to come together and make TOTAL sense.


In a world that isn't perfect, it seems odd that we have words, maths, shapes, symbols, images, pictures in our mind, and often, many times in fact, we all find perfection. So much so, we created the word "perfect". Other languages have their own words/descriptions, created to mean perfect. Other languages have shapes, symbols and numbers to create perfect. And we all share moments that, in those moments, feel...perfect.
So we KNOW perfect is a thing, it's real. And mostly we like to argue around things like LOVE. The perfect love. IMAGINE! And everybody does imagine love. All the time. But their experiences are vast. And far from perfect. But they all learn to imagine this perfect love. Even when they have never experienced it properly. Even when all they loved were self generated feelings of love. (love for objects, patterns, collecting, whatever) Everybody does love. It just depends what they love and how much they chose/choose to love.

And thus, everybody could say their love is perfect for them. So perfect still remains to be true.

But then leap all the way to why we exist, how did the universe come to be, how does everything work, we have found no perfection overall. No perfect. Despite feeling like it is all coming together perfectly along the jouney of evolution and exploration.

Now we have so many perfect tools, so many perfect ideas, so many ways to get answers to our questions. But we often overlook why things originally came to be, who used them for what, why are they used for different things now. We frequently bannish things that seem irrelevant to some, without realising how important they are for others.

Measuring and Mapping is nature's DESTINY.
But if that's true, why?

#Measuring and Mapping is Moving.
Implying to never stop moving in order to do these natural things.
But things only move when there's a reason or force. The universe scale things have always been forced to move. We are yet to imagine properly, why that is.
The Human scale things, we are forced to move into a form of stillness, we age from the moment we are created, looking to become "settled" in more than one way.

We move forever internally, until death? And our whole species has spent their lives and souls on mapping, navigating their maps, measuring what they've navigated, and to this day, continue to do so, is so many, many ways.

However, why does this behaviour suit us? Why spend life mapping and moving when you can't enjoy what you've discovered? So people find and choose things to enjoy, and eventually reduce their moving (settle down), and reduce their mapping (settle up). But you never stop thinking until death, so a person will always be mapping something, no matter how small or seemingly meaningless to others.

Is a person ever truly settled when faced with the inevitable death?

It seems, with a particular set of beliefs, it is possible to design a universe where whatever happens, you recycle and come back around to live again.
There is also a lot of evidence to go towards proving that afterlife's and reincarnation is real.
But there are also lots of evidence stacked against it. Maybe in equal amounts because so far, it has not be proven either way. Regardless of science, imagination, real and artificial intelligence etc.

So over time people have split into groups about who imagines what afterlife.
They can even convince themselves they are comfortable with there belief. Because it exists and it will be based on a lot of things by now, it is hard to convince either side, either way.

However, if you ask someone to draw the image, or to depict the scenario of their after life or heaven, what do they draw/picture/imagine?

#Science vs Reality vs Imagination and Beliefs
... To be continued