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RE: What Happens When You Die?

in #afterlife8 years ago

I think we surely are going to hell, if not in the hell of one religion than of the other. There are, of course, some questions. Say, for instance, I am atheist and should go to, at least, Christian and Muslim Hells. Which Hell is going to get my soul? Do these Hells have sort of an auction where they place bids and if so what is the currency - Hellcoin? Or maybe they can multiply a soul and give a copy to each of the corresponding Hells? Then again, maybe it is the same Hell, only its gates have a private slogan for every sinner, sort of like a polymorphic function. Oh, well, we’ll find out soon enough.


I think I like the "copy to each of the corresponding Hells" idea. Like parallel universe slash bitcoin soul pieces. Or, maybe you'll go to heaven even if you didn't believe in it. Just cuz you hypothetically don't believe in something doesn't mean it doesn't believe in you. What if all the heavens want to place bids on you too? Ever think of that? You'll be like the hottest bit-mgaft1 item in the known and unknown universe!

ahahahah ... "No hell for you, buddy! You are going to the Good place whether you want this or not."

I like your style. You sound like the guy with the right kind of imagination.
