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RE: Agfa Ultra 100

in #agfalast year (edited)

Im pretty sure that was the Scottish Right building on Virginia Street. Years ago I had done a set of architectural photos in Charleston -- lots of amazing, and TINY details; like the little man on Capitol St.

On the Samurai mural... I feel like I have seen one somewhere. On my next day off, I'll take a drive and see if I can find it again.

Thanks for the complements! I must say I was pleasantly surprised since I hadn't shot film since 2007. I had forgotten the "magic" behind the process. I highly recommend it.

And it just dawned on me, after looking at the photos its become VERY clear that using GIMP for scaling is HORRIBLE. It makes all the shots seem out of focus (when the originals were not).


There's no way there is a samurai mural around here. If there is I will be mind blown.

I feel like I’ve seen one… not sure where (it’s why I would have to search again)… but I think I’ve seen something along those lines.

Then again there may not be… this city has murals everywhere and I could just be getting mixed up lol

I've only seen one samurai mural in my life. It was cool, but I know there are much cooler ones somewhere in this world.


For some reason that style reminds me of Kim Possible lol