Summary: Lion's Den – June 14, 2024

in #ai12 days ago

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DISCLAIMER: The following has been generated by AI (Claude-3) based on the publicly available recording of the livestream. Because the content is AI generated it may contain errors, so please keep that in mind when reading. Feel free to suggest corrections and/or add additional information/improvements in the comments. Read more: Introduction post for the AI Summaries project

Comprehensive Overview of LeoAI

This week's episode hosted by Task for the LEO community focused on providing a comprehensive overview of the upcoming LeoAI feature. The host began by highlighting some important updates, including the plan to work on an ad revenue platform in July and the goal to launch a new video integration feature as soon as this Monday.

The host then dove into the core details of LeoAI, explaining that it will be a two-tiered system. The first tier is a basic chatbot functionality, similar to models like ChatGPT, Llama 3, and Grok. These large language models (LLMs) are trained on vast amounts of internet data.

The second tier is what the host referred to as a "small language model" (SLM), which is specifically trained on data from the Hive blockchain, of which Leo is a part. This SLM will allow for more targeted and accurate responses related to Leo and Hive-specific information, such as details about threadcasts, Resource Credits, and user activity.

The host explained that the SLM will be integrated into a "copilot" feature within Leo, which will assist users with tasks like writing, formatting, and SEO optimization for their posts. Rather than generating full posts, the copilot will provide suggestions and guidance based on the user's previous activity and the broader Hive dataset.

Looking to the future, the host speculated about the potential for LeoAI to expand beyond just text-based capabilities. They discussed the possibility of integrating image generation, text-to-video, and other generative AI features down the line, as the technology continues to advance.

A key point emphasized throughout the discussion was the importance of ownership and the unique value proposition that Leo offers compared to Web2 platforms. The host stressed that as Leo owners, users have a vested interest in the growth and success of the platform, which is reflected in the value of the LEO token. This is in contrast to platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, where users do not have any ownership stake.

The host also highlighted the potential for LeoAI to drive increased activity and engagement on the Leo platform, as users leverage the tool for tasks like research, content creation, and community interaction. This, in turn, could lead to higher page views and ad revenue, further strengthening the Leo ecosystem.

Overall, the discussion provided a detailed look at the capabilities and potential of LeoAI, as well as the broader strategic vision for Leo as a decentralized, user-owned platform. The host emphasized the importance of building, developing, and utilizing the various features and tools within the Leo ecosystem to drive its growth and success.

Potential Use Cases and Benefits of LeoAI

During the discussion, the host outlined several potential use cases and benefits of LeoAI:

Improved Content Creation

The copilot feature will assist users with tasks like writing, formatting, and SEO optimization for their blog posts and Threads. This can help improve the quality and discoverability of user-generated content on Leo.

Enhanced Research and Information Retrieval

The SLM trained on Hive data will allow users to more accurately and efficiently find information related to Leo-specific topics, such as Threadcasts, Resource Credits, and user activity metrics.

Increased Platform Engagement

By providing a valuable AI-powered tool for users, LeoAI has the potential to drive higher levels of activity and engagement on the Leo platform, including more page views, comments, and interactions.

Monetization Opportunities

The increased activity and page views generated by LeoAI could translate to higher ad revenue for the Leo platform, which can then be used to further develop and improve the ecosystem.

Ownership and Equity

As Leo owners, users have a direct stake in the success and growth of the platform, including any value created by LeoAI. This is in contrast to Web2 platforms where users do not have any ownership.

Comparison to Existing AI Models

The host acknowledged that LeoAI will not be the only AI model available, and compared it to existing options like ChatGPT, Grok, and Llama 3. However, the host emphasized that the key differentiator is the SLM trained on Hive data, which will provide more targeted and accurate information related to the Leo ecosystem.

Additionally, the host noted that unlike the major AI models, which are owned by large tech companies, LeoAI is owned by the Leo community. This means that any value created by LeoAI will directly benefit Leo owners, rather than accruing to a centralized entity.


The discussion on LeoAI provided a comprehensive overview of the upcoming feature and its potential impact on the Leo platform. By integrating advanced AI capabilities, Leo aims to enhance user experience, drive engagement, and create value for its community of owners. As the technology continues to evolve, the host expressed excitement about the possibility of expanding LeoAI's functionality to include features like image generation and text-to-video, further solidifying Leo's position as a user-owned, decentralized digital platform.

@leoglossary links added using LeoLinker.

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