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RE: AI-Generated Content vs Human-Generated Content

in #ai5 months ago

Indeed. Although the Gutenberg press allowed for mass production of information that had been confined to a portion of the population, whereas ChatGPT can create it with very little original content input from the user. I'm not a Luddite, AI has its use cases, but anyone who tells it to "write me a 1000-word post on the future of robotics" is lazy and doesn't want to put the effort in to research, learn, and write it themselves.


I was in no way going there with that comment and was more saying that 'real' writers are still going to write.

Personally I trained two custom GPT models on two different sets of my own material. One that was around one point six million words and another that I think was around one million words. Neither of those models can produce anything worthwhile in my perspective. To be clear they were not made to 'write' for me but so that I could easily analyze the data. It was a neat experiment and kind of an aside to your point but yeah even on my own material I found the results lacking.

Got it. What you did was interesting in training it against your own content, and I wonder if future results might show an improvement. On Hive, I look ahead 5 or 10 years down the line and wonder how AI will affect content creation.

For instance, I imagine a future of augmented humans vs "naturals." Those with money will be able to upgrade and enhance themselves, while the less fortunate will remain in their worn-down natural bodies. How will natural writers ever be able to keep up with AI "content creators" in this brave new world? Time will tell.

Yeah, it is a very interesting point that you bring to light there with the 'naturals' and I will have to mull it over some before I gain any real perspective.

In short though there is already a huge gap with content creation considering how much time some folks have available and the equipment they have at their disposal to create said content... even sans AI. The gap is huge already and assuredly it will grow even wider between the 'haves and have nots' so to speak.