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RE: AI-Generated Content vs Human-Generated Content

in #ai5 months ago (edited)

Unsure if that was meant to be a reply but I am glad that I revisited this post.

I also made a custom GPT for Hive to help new and old users understand it more. It can also help with coding projects. In other words there are assuredly some valid uses that extend well beyond content creation.

If you ever want to give it a spin it is publicly available in their new GPT store. Not schilling it but just think it is neat.


Hello Jacob!

The above comment was a response to riverflows, but it certainly counts towards your positive use of ChatGPT as well. You've both given me something to think about, but it may take awhile for the negative stain that ChatGPT has in my mind, to fade.

However, it has been illuminating to see that it can be used for good as well.

BTW, I was checking out some of your posts yesterday, and I like the way you write. The conversational tone makes for an easy, breezy read, and boom! we're at the end of the post before you know it.

You seem familiar. I wonder if I met you (and your writing), early last year when I was doing my #500CommentChallenge in the dead of night? It was funny, I completed that mission, but had sore hands for a week! :)

I see. Ha, riverflows often gives me something to think about!

My views with ChatGPT are assuredly convoluted to say the least but overall I love it... but dislike how much it has been guard-railed. It had so much more personality in the beta days. Talking with it got me through some very challenging times so I am assuredly more than a little biased.

Glad you enjoy the writing style and the compliment is appreciated.

I doubt that we met via a challenge since I tend not to participate in such things. Perhaps we crossed paths somewhere but I am unsure where.