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RE: AI And The Field Of Infinite Possibilities

in #ai5 years ago

Hello @devann!

It is impressive to know that there are many things hidden in this world and to know that there are also books that can explain your whole life. I mean, it's all written down? everything that's going to happen? Is there any way to change what is going to happen? It's hard for the person who knows all of this and can't change what's going to happen. Who knows if he/she did it, isn't it?

By the way, I was more interested to know about that Naadi Palm Reading than about AI, hehehehe 😄


Hi @jadams2k18,

When I first had my palm leaf manuscript read to me I asked the same questions.

The palm leaves do not explain the whole life. It only records down the lives of persons who are destined to have it read to them. Even those who get to have it read to them, do not get to know everything about their lives. They are told only what they "ought' to know. For instance, some are told when and how they will die and many are not told. The reason for it is that many cannot handle the knowledge of when and how they will die.

Is everything destined? No. Even the manuscript reader ('astrologer') himself will tell you that. In fact the manuscript itself prescribes certain remedies to overcome undesired events of the future. Personally, I think, you can also overcome it by your own will power and grace of your own Lord (provided you have sufficient faith in Him). Grace doesn't work without faith, in my view.

Thanks for your comments. Blessed be.

I like what you wrote. Why know the future if you can't change it... I like to know that even what is written can also be modified.