Round 1 - Greenest in Flames

in #ai8 months ago


Initial Setting: Greenest in Flames

It is a warm summer evening. The sun sets over the hills, painting the sky in hues of orange and red. The town of Greenest, usually a beacon of tranquility, is suddenly thrust into chaos. A dragon, scales shimmering blue, circles above, its roars sending shivers down the spine. Below, raiders swarm the streets, their intentions malicious.

NPCs Present:

Governor Nighthill: A man of middle age, with a stern yet worried look, commanding the town's defense.

Escobert the Red: A stout, red-haired dwarf, the castellan, frantically organizing the town's forces.

Thorin's Situation: Thorin, the dwarf paladin, clutching his ancestral warhammer, stands at the edge of town. His heart beats with a mix of anger and determination.

Potential Actions for Thorin:

  1. {Rush into town to confront the raiders head-on, warhammer at the ready.}
  2. {Seek out Governor Nighthill to offer assistance and gain information.}
  3. {Attempt to evacuate and protect the town's citizens.}
  4. {Engage the dragon from a distance, using any ranged weapons or abilities.}
  5. {Use his knowledge of warfare to organize and lead a counter-attack against the raiders.}

Initial Character Sheet Display:

Name: Thorin
Class: Dwarf Paladin
Level: 1

Key Items: Ancestral Warhammer

HP: 12/12
Strength: 16
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 10


Initial Decisions for the Player:

  • "What is your first action in response to the attack on Greenest?"
  • "Do you wish to interact with any specific NPCs or explore any particular areas first?"
  • "How do you approach the situation – with caution, aggression, or tactically?"

As the Dungeon Master, I will adapt the narrative based on your choices, ensuring a blend of role-play, combat, and puzzles, while maintaining the whimsical and heroic tone of our high fantasy adventure.

User as Thorin
Thorin would like to know if he knows anyone in town and approach the town cautiously to see if he can find more information.

Thorin's Approach to Greenest

Thorin, with his ancestral warhammer in hand, approaches Greenest cautiously, scanning the chaos for familiar faces. He recalls his connections in the town:

  1. Cuth Swift: An old battle comrade, now a local blacksmith.
  2. Sister Garaele: A cleric of Tymora, whom Thorin had aided in the past.
  3. Linan Swift: Cuth's wife, known for her kindness and hospitality.

As Thorin moves stealthily towards the center of town, he notices the destruction wrought by the raiders and the dragon. The town's once peaceful streets are now overrun with fear and turmoil.

Thorin's Immediate Observations:

  • Townsfolk are fleeing in panic.
  • Raiders are looting and causing havoc.
  • The dragon's presence looms overhead, casting a terrifying shadow.

Potential Actions for Thorin:

  1. {Search for Cuth Swift at his blacksmith shop for aid and information.}
  2. {Head to the local temple to find Sister Garaele for potential healing or blessings.}
  3. {Rescue Linan Swift and other townsfolk in immediate danger.}
  4. {Conceal himself and gather intelligence on the raiders' movements and numbers.}
  5. {Use his Paladin's sense of righteousness to rally the townsfolk and organize a defense.}

Player Decision:

"Which of these actions would Thorin like to take, or is there another course he wishes to pursue?"
"How does Thorin prioritize helping the townspeople versus confronting the raiders or the dragon?"

User as Thorin
Thorin will {Search for Cuth Swift at his blacksmith shop for aid and information.}

Thorin's Journey to the Blacksmith Shop

As the chaos of Greenest swirls around him, Thorin makes his way to the blacksmith shop, hoping to find his old comrade, Cuth Swift. The streets are perilous, filled with raiders and the screams of the townsfolk.

Arrival at the Blacksmith Shop: The blacksmith shop, usually ringing with the sound of hammer on anvil, is eerily quiet. The front door is ajar, and signs of a struggle are evident. Thorin cautiously steps inside, his senses alert.

Inside the Blacksmith Shop:

  • The shop is in disarray, with tools and weapons scattered.
  • A faint groaning sound comes from the back room.
  • The smell of smoke and burning is strong in the air.

Potential Actions for Thorin:

  1. {Investigate the back room carefully for signs of Cuth or other inhabitants.}
  2. {Secure the shop's entrance to avoid any surprise attacks from raiders.}
  3. {Gather any useful weapons or tools that might aid in the town's defense.}
  4. {Call out softly for Cuth Swift, trying to locate him without drawing attention.}
  5. {Inspect the signs of struggle for clues about what happened and who might be responsible.}

Player Decision:

  • "How does Thorin proceed in searching for Cuth?"
  • "Does he prioritize caution or urgency in this situation?"

User as Thorin
Thorin is going to secure the door so that there are no surprises and then inspect the signs of struggle for any clues as to what happened to Cuth and where he or his wife might be.

Thorin's Actions in the Blacksmith Shop

Thorin swiftly moves to secure the door of the blacksmith shop, ensuring that no raiders can sneak up on him. Once secured, he turns his attention to the signs of struggle around the shop.

Investigating the Signs of Struggle:

  • Thorin notices that the struggle seemed desperate but quick.
  • The marks on the floor and damaged items suggest that Cuth might have been overpowered and taken away.
  • Among the chaos, a piece of torn fabric, possibly from Cuth's clothing, clings to a broken tool.

Further Observations:

  • The back room's door is slightly open, the groaning sounds more evident now.
  • There are no signs of blood, suggesting that Cuth or his captors might not be seriously injured.
  • A map of the town is pinned to the wall, with several locations marked, possibly indicating safe havens or important areas.

Potential Actions for Thorin:

  1. {Carefully approach and investigate the back room for any hidden individuals or clues.}
  2. {Examine the town map for any indications of where Cuth or the raiders might have gone.}
  3. {Take the piece of torn fabric as evidence and a reminder of his mission.}
  4. {Prepare to leave the shop and continue searching for Cuth in the town.}
  5. {Gather any remaining useful items or weapons from the shop before moving on.}

Player Decision:

  • "What is Thorin's next course of action?"
  • "Does he feel the need to explore the back room, or does he plan to leave the shop and continue his search elsewhere?"

User as Thorin
Thorin is going to {Carefully approach and investigate the back room for any hidden individuals or clues.}

Thorin's Exploration of the Back Room

Thorin, with his warhammer at the ready, cautiously approaches the back room of the blacksmith shop. The groaning grows louder as he nears the door.

Inside the Back Room:

  • The room is dimly lit, with a single flickering candle on a workbench.
  • Thorin finds Cuth's wife, Linan Swift, injured but alive, hiding beneath a worktable.
  • Linan is relieved to see Thorin and quickly whispers that Cuth was taken by the raiders.

Linan's Information:

  • The raiders stormed the shop and took Cuth, heading towards the center of town.
  • She overheard them mentioning a gathering at the town's old mill.
  • She urges Thorin to be careful, as the raiders were numerous and seemed organized.

Potential Actions for Thorin:

  1. {Comfort and tend to Linan's injuries, ensuring her safety before leaving.}
  2. {Head immediately towards the town's old mill in search of Cuth.}
  3. {Gather more allies or weapons from the shop to prepare for a potential confrontation.}
  4. {Scout the path to the old mill, assessing the raiders' numbers and positions.}
  5. {Inform Linan of his intention to save Cuth and ask if she knows of any other allies in town.}

Player Decision:

  • "How does Thorin choose to proceed after discovering Linan and receiving this information?"
  • "Does he prioritize Linan's safety, or is rescuing Cuth the immediate focus?"

User as Thorin
Thorin will {Comfort and tend to Linan's injuries, ensuring her safety before leaving.} and then {Inform Linan of his intention to save Cuth and ask if she knows of any other allies in town.}

Thorin's Actions with Linan Swift

Thorin takes a moment to tend to Linan's injuries, using his paladin's skills to provide comfort and basic first aid. Linan, grateful for the care, listens as Thorin explains his intention to rescue Cuth.

Linan's Response:

  • She mentions that Governor Nighthill and Escobert the Red are rallying a defense at the keep and may need assistance.
  • She suggests seeking out Sister Garaele at the local temple, who might provide healing and support.
  • Linan also warns Thorin about the dragon, advising caution and suggesting he avoid direct confrontation.

Thorin's Updated Plan:
After ensuring Linan is safe and in a hidden spot, Thorin prepares to leave the blacksmith shop.

Potential Actions for Thorin:

  1. {Head to the keep to assist Governor Nighthill and Escobert the Red.}
  2. {Seek out Sister Garaele at the temple for healing and potential allies.}
  3. {Make his way to the old mill, where the raiders were heading with Cuth.}
  4. {Scout around for more information or possible ambush points against the raiders.}
  5. {Gather a few more supplies from the blacksmith shop before embarking on his next move.}

Player Decision:

  • "Where does Thorin decide to go next?"
  • "Does he feel the need to gather more support, or is he set on rescuing Cuth immediately?"

User as Thorin
Thorin is going to {Scout around for more information or possible ambush points against the raiders.} before {Making his way to the old mill, where the raiders were heading with Cuth.}

Thorin's Scouting and Journey to the Old Mill

Thorin exits the blacksmith shop and begins to carefully scout the surroundings. He moves stealthily, blending into the shadows, observing the raiders' movements and identifying potential ambush points.

Scouting Results:

  • He notices that the raiders are focused on looting and seem less organized on the outskirts of town.
  • Thorin spots a small group of raiders heading towards the old mill, confirming Linan's information.
  • He identifies a path that allows him to approach the old mill with some cover, minimizing the risk of being spotted.

Approach to the Old Mill:
The old mill stands by the river, its sails idle. The area is quieter, but the presence of raiders is still evident. Thorin senses the urgency of the situation, knowing that Cuth might be inside or nearby.

Potential Actions for Thorin:

  1. {Approach the old mill stealthily, observing from a distance before acting.}
  2. {Create a distraction to draw some raiders away from the mill.}
  3. {Directly confront the raiders near the mill, using surprise to his advantage.}
  4. {Search for another entrance or vantage point around the mill for a more strategic approach.}
  5. {Call upon any nearby townsfolk or allies to aid in a coordinated attack on the mill.}

Player Decision:

  • "How does Thorin plan to approach the situation at the old mill?"
  • "Is his strategy one of stealth, confrontation, or seeking additional help?"

User as Thorin
Thorin needs to {Approach the old mill stealthily, observing from a distance before acting.} at the same time keep his eye open and {Search for another entrance or vantage point around the mill for a more strategic approach.} He wants to figure out if Cuth is alive and in the mill without being seen.

Thorin's Stealth Approach to the Old Mill

Thorin moves silently towards the old mill, blending into the environment. He circles the building, looking for alternative entrances and vantage points while keeping a low profile.


  • The mill is surrounded by a few scattered raiders, but their attention is not focused on guarding.
  • Thorin spots a partially obscured back entrance, as well as a small window on the upper floor that could offer a view inside.
  • The mill's main door is being used by the raiders intermittently, suggesting that it might lead to where Cuth is held.

Potential Actions for Thorin:

  1. {Use the back entrance to sneak into the mill, maintaining stealth.}
  2. {Climb to the upper floor window for a better view inside, assessing the situation.}
  3. {Continue observing the raiders' movements for an opportune moment to enter unnoticed.}
  4. {Create a minor distraction away from the mill to draw raiders' attention.}
  5. {Prepare for a potential rescue or confrontation inside, ensuring his warhammer is ready.}

Player Decision:

  • "Which of these stealthy approaches does Thorin choose to execute?"
  • "Is his primary goal to confirm Cuth's presence and status, or to prepare for immediate action?"

User New Character
Introduce [Druuvira Shadowwhisper], [Fighter], [Druuvira, known as Dru to her companions, is a Drow Elf who believes herself to be highly charismatic. Sporting dark violet skin, silver hair, and piercing purple eyes, she presents a confident front despite her social skills not being as effective as she thinks. While her attempts at charm often fall flat, she excels in combat, skillfully wielding a dual-bladed weapon. Her overestimation of her social talents sometimes results in humorous situations, but her combat prowess makes her a strong ally in the quest for glory and treasure. Dru has a unique love for spiders, especially her pet spider named Shadowfang, whom she talks to as if it understood her, amusing her friends. She also has a reputation for overindulging in drink, which leads to entertaining, if not embarrassing, moments. However, her combat abilities remain unaffected by her indulgences, making her a memorable and formidable figure in any battle or celebration.]

Introducing Druuvira Shadowwhisper, Fighter

Character Sheet: Druuvira Shadowwhisper

Class: Fighter
Race: Drow Elf
Level: 1

Ability Scores:

Strength: 12 (Important for a fighter, but not her primary focus)
Dexterity: 15 + 2 (Drow racial bonus) = 17 (Primary ability for dual-wielding)
Constitution: 13 (Health and stamina)
Intelligence: 10 (Average intelligence)
Wisdom: 14 (Keen senses typical of a Drow)
Charisma: 8 + 1 (Drow racial bonus) = 9 (She overestimates this trait)
HP (Hit Points): 10 (Fighter's starting HP) + Constitution modifier (1) = 11

AC (Armor Class): 14 (Assuming starting with leather armor, base 11 + Dexterity modifier 3)


  • Dual-bladed weapon
  • Leather armor
  • Adventurer's kit
  • Pet spider, Shadowfang

Skills and Traits:

  • Darkvision (120 feet, typical of Drow Elves)
  • Drow Magic (racial trait)
  • Combat prowess with a dual-bladed weapon
  • Basic social interaction skills
  • Resilience to drink

Druuvira Shadowwhisper, or Dru, steps into the narrative with a presence as striking as her appearance. The Drow Elf's dark violet skin, silver hair, and piercing purple eyes make her a figure impossible to ignore.

Character Background:

Race: Drow Elf, known for their exceptional darkvision, affinity for magic, and keen senses.
Class: Fighter, excelling in combat and versatile in various fighting styles.
Personality: Confident, socially overestimating her charm, but with a humorous side.
Unique Traits: Dual-bladed weapon mastery, a pet spider named Shadowfang, and a fondness for drinks.

Current Situation:
Druuvira finds herself in the town of Greenest during the raid, her combat skills ready to be tested in this chaos. Her dual-bladed weapon, a symbol of her prowess, gleams under the moonlight, and her pet spider Shadowfang rests securely in her cloak.

Potential Actions for Druuvira:

  1. {Seek out Thorin, either by coincidence or hearing of his presence in town.}
  2. {Engage raiders in combat, showcasing her fighting skills.}
  3. {Use her darkvision to navigate the chaos and assist townspeople in hiding.}
  4. {Investigate the source of the raid, possibly leading her to the old mill.}
  5. {Find a local tavern to gather information (and possibly indulge in a drink).}

Player Decision:

  • "How does Druuvira want to make her entrance in this chaotic situation?"
  • "Does she focus on combat, assisting others, gathering information, or a combination of these?"

A little bit about the process here. It's an experiment as I mentioned in my other post - Mashing together two hobbies. I've been posting lead-ins on Spoutible and also on Substack.

So far we have a new character joining us from Spoutible. I'm hoping to see some from Hive jump on board. Currently just working out the kinks as I go. The rounds are comprised of interactions for the day, essentially. So, this round was yesterday. I'm gathering input for today and will post. The comments will be the best for interactions and decisions. It was easier when I was the lone player now that we have Dru we'll have to see how the cadence works out.

It's getting good now and ChatGPT seems to be holding together, even with the new character introduction. We almost have two story lines running, how to get them to converge now.

Stay tuned.