New Airdrop Offering €30 to First Time Applicants...

in #airdrop4 years ago (edited)

For those that have been following me for a while you would have noticed that i like to share ways for people to get their hands on some free crypto without any risk involved, many airdrops require that you hold some other token to be eligible for a share in a given airdrop but doing so can run the risk of the original token dumping to all time lows before anyone has a chance to sell any of their own.


I have come across a new project by the name of PCash that aims to be a marketplace where consumers and merchants can trade with a proprietary token named PCash, i can't say that my research has been extensive but with what i know so far it seems promising, though you do not need to purchase any Pcash to participate in this airdrop i would encourage that you do further research if you do decide to make a purchase.


To participate all you need to do is provide some KYC, namely; email,phone number and name etc, in doing so you will receive 250 PCH which will show in your account which is viewable via the PCash website, as of writing the token is not yet tradeable but has a purchase price of €0.13, quite when PCH will be tradable is unknown though it shouldn't be too long considering the airdrop has been going on for some time now but i will keep you updated.

If you are interested in this airdrop you can sign up here: also feel free to ask any questions in the comment section. (1).gif

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