Lending to smaller players ? Possible ?

in #airdrops2 years ago (edited)


Im looking at all the people buying alot of packs, and wishing that i could do the same, would love to buy 500 to get garanteed airdrops, but cant afford that many, i know we can get lucky with low amount to, but RNGsus is never on my side xD

So i have been thinking maybe there’s a way i could get in on it, since i dont have 2.000$ for the 500 packs for a guaranteed drop, i was wondering if it was a possiblity for me to maybe borrow the 2.000$ from someone who was gonna get the packs any way, and wanted to help out smaller players like my self.

"but why would anyone help me here."

I could buy what i can afford, around 30 packs, and then offer them in return for lending me 2.000$ so i could get the 500 airdrop points for atleast 1 guaranteed airdrop, the lender would get the total 530 packs, i know this is a long shot, since ppl proberly would like to get the airdrop points for them self, but maybe someone out there will help out the smaller players

the way i was thinking it should go

i buy my 30 packs, send them to a trusted middelman, and then the lender sends me Dec to convert to credits to buy packs, we start with dec for 30 packs, i´ll buy them and again send the newly bought packs to the trusted middelman, he now holds 60 packs, then the lender sends dec for 60 packs more and so on, until we get to the 530

Is this even possible, would anyone be willing to help out with this, lets find out :D

Cheers icel33t, the hopefull


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