Alcyone ( Pleiades )

in #alcyone • 2 years ago


Credit - book📕📖> P.P Globa "FIXED STARS"

Photo by game space engine

Part of the Pleiades star cluster. It is the first of the Pleiades, the 'seven sisters', which is the key to all Pleiades and their main projection. It is the ruler of the forces of nature. Alcyone is the eternally weeping kingfisher bird. Associated with elemental spirits, house spirits, irresistible forces interfere in men's lives. Spiritual guidance for men is through the mother, sister, wife, generally through women. And for women - through a man. Gives high patronage, great connection with nature, energetic feeding from nature. The love of animals for such a man is manifested, and he is given help from the animal world. In conjunction with Mars and Saturn it gives great unpleasantness, capacity for irreversible changes in life, metamorphosis. It is very unpleasant on the Ascendant - all the negative power of Pleiades, the possibility of blindness, spiritual search, eternal delusions are manifested there. On the medical level, like all nebulae, it can produce both physical blindness and sensory disturbances, deafness, etc.