Common Algebra Mistakes to Avoid

in #algebra2 years ago

As a professional math tutor with over 9 years of experience, I have seen students make the same algebra mistakes again and again.
That’s why I have decided to write this article, to share a list of the common mistakes students make in algebra to help you avoid them.
Remember that to avoid these mistakes, you need to have a better understanding of basic math concepts, find out how students make the mistakes and how to rectify them or avoid them.
The best way to avoid algebra mistakes is to check your work carefully once done.
Remember that getting the answer doesn’t mean you’re done. You need to go over your entire problem line by line to make sure everything is correct from the beginning to the end.
You also need to ensure your work is neat making sure everything is organized properly.
That said, here are the common mistakes students make in algebra:
Not Using Online Resources
When learning algebra, most students forget to use online resources. They rely on other resources forgetting that the internet is awash with useful resources for learning algebra equations. When starting, you can go online and find pre-algebra problems to practice with so that you understand the topic better. You can also find professional tutors online who can help you learn algebra fast.
Wrong Use of Math Symbols
Different subjects have unique languages, concepts, and symbols with explicit meanings, and math is no exception. Using the wrong symbols or words can end up complicating the mathematical statements. In the end, you or your professor will end up getting confused by your work.
Some common mistakes students make when using math symbols include:
Using the equals sign incorrectly
The equals sign in math can be used to signify two specific functions: to show the value of two mathematical expressions or make a definition.
The last mistake you want to make is to use the equals sign incorrectly.
Not using parenthesis
Using parenthesis can help to minimize your chance of making errors when dealing with an implicit order of operations.
**Canceling Mistake **
Another mistake students make is the canceling error where a student cancels common factors on either side of an equals sign especially when solving an equation. This is especially true when the common factor isn’t a number but an expression with a variable.
Final Thoughts
Many students make these algebra mistakes unknowingly. That’s why it’s important to understand them so that you can avoid them and master algebraic concepts