I Am Alive Challenge - 2/13/22

in #alive2 years ago

Today was laundry day. We had a lot of laundry to do and we do not have a washer and dryer in our apartment.

It was quite an ordeal as we haven’t done laundry in over a month. Plus we live on the fourth floor with no elevator. We, had to make quite a few treks up and down the stairs.

We are just about finishing up now.

Tomorrow I go back to work and Grace will start work with me. It will be nice because we can eat together and enjoy more time together.

Plus, the extra income will be nice too and she will get some benefits like health insurance and paid days off.

I am still packed up without a computer, books, or tv. So, I still working from my phone. I also have my bike packed up so I am not getting the exercise but I definitely got some carrying heavy bags of laundry up and down the stairs. Don’t think I’m complaining as the view is great and I am losing weight with the extra stair climbing.

Well I’ll let you know how things go with Grace tomorrow. Have a blessed night.
