
With so many ignorant people the numbers could go up or there could be second and third waves of infections. At least they deliver there.

Yes I have honestly no idea - that is why I am taking one day at a time. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.... so eat and drink and be merry. O I eat enough

lol...I like your attitude, we have to be thankful for each day. You eat enough! too, what about drinking? lol...I would be drinking wine everyday but the Missus isn't so crazy about the idea. It DOES get expensive.

Not a big drinker but will have a glass or so now and then but it is damn expensive

That's true, it's too darn expensive. It's kind of a rich man's vice unfortunately!

By the way, our favorite wine is an organic wine made in South Africa and it's also the cheapest we've found. Stellar Organics, they are fantastic and cost about $10 here which is much less than comparable wines.

O yes I know it - not a bad wine but for us that is an expensive wine, we have much cheaper ones

Wow how interesting. It's the cheapest organic wine over here but it's expensive over there! lol. How much cheaper is "much cheaper?"