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RE: Mist changed into magic.

in #amazingnature3 years ago

Good morning Zac,

late reply, I know, but I haven't been in the mood to go online yesterday. Also I have been too tired after a little hike in the morning after nightshift. This hike has told me that I need to do more if I want to make the big hike in May or Hune :))) lol

Alcohol can turn the nicest guys into mad men. I know a few and I am no exception myself. No, I didn't turn into a Mr. Hyde nor have I got violent, but I was a completely different one after too much... just stupid.

Of course, you are right, most people in such an age have become more or less wise and know how to behave.

Our Viagra is the fresh and clean air on top of the mountains 😁

I am back at work today, but because I am sitting in another office with easy work I have time to make my replies and maybe even make a post for tonight, but that's not sure.

Wish you a wonderful Sunday, my friend 🤗

Cheers with !BEER and !WINE


Good evening Hannes,

Decided to do the replies now as tomorrow is going to be a very busy day.
Oh yes, you have to get fit if you want to compete in that hike and the best way to do that is to be out walking.

Alcohol makes us all stupid and like I said, if ever I get a say, I will ban the lot.
The booze making companies released a study stating that trauma is more the result of Covid stress than alcohol. The doctors at the hospitals differ and they say that 90% of trauma is caused by alcohol.
Go figure.

We hope that paople at that age will have more wisdom, but it doesn't work for all as many people over 60 are still arrested here for one or another evil deed.

I want to build my house on top of the mountain 😎

Glad that you had some easy work today and tomorrow the week starts again.
Time flies my brother and I do hope that you get a post in.
If not, then selah!

Cheers and thanks!

Good evening Zac,

well, it's the same here - my work today is easy and I have enough time, even for a post about my yesterday's hike, but tomorrow is going to be another busy day.

Covid is guilty too, of course, but many people take alcohol as an excuse in my eyes.

Many people never learn from their mistakes nor from anything else - they stay stupid and don't even know that the wisdom doesn't come along with white hair ;)

Yep, a house on top of a mountain would be great to have 👍

Cheers and !BEER

Hi Hannes,

Things are going well here thus far and the Monday is not bad.
Alcohol addiction is a terrible thing and I have seen some guys turn insane when the cannot get a drink.
Drugs are the same, as people will kill their families if they can't get their next fix.
A friend of mine's sons stole and sold all of his tools to get money fror drugs.

Stupid is as stupid goes and you know what I will say here about the grey hair wisdom 🤣

In my mind I am already living on top of the mountain 😉

Cheers and thanks.

Hi Zac,

I have just written in my other reply, that the week started with a busy Monday, but it's fine and since I am quite tired from the night I take it easy 😴

Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes - all the same in my eyes. People can't think anymore - the little devil in their head shouts too loud "I need..." all the time.

In my mind I'm living on an amazing place on top of a mountain too, but when I open my eyes the view is gone ... ;)

Cheers and !BEER

Great to hear that you are taking things easy today Hannes.

Cigarrettes are my problem, as I still have that devil "I want" screaming in my head 😡
But hopefully I will beat it soon.

Hahaha, that's why I keep my eyes closed as long as I can.

Cheers and thanks.

Haha, easy was yesterday, today is another day 😥 lol

In July I am celebrating three years no smoking 😀
I was ill and said to myself I want to try to not get up for smoking. On the third day I was healthy again and since then I didn't smoke anymore, but I still miss it sometimes, especially the first morning cigarette. But that lasts only for a second.

But I know how hard it is to quit smoking because this was my third time - 1 year, 6.5 years and now soon 3 years.

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, life works like the ocean waves my friend, up and down 🤣

Nicotine is a real danger and we know that it is killing us, but yet I smoke Hannes.
It is horribly expensive and now they have changed the chemicals in the tobacco to burn faster.
Yes, the excuse is to try to avoid fires when somone drops a cigarrette, but as usual the real motive is profit, as faster burning cigarrettes means that more cigarrettes are smoked.

I have this severe struggle in my mind every day and as the hate grows it will go the same way as the alcohol. To the rubbish dump.

Congrats on your 3 years mate.

Cheers and thanks.

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