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RE: Mist changed into magic.

We have not been to a service for more than a year now on doctor's advice, as I am high risk, but I do communion for us here at home.
All those Vitamin D is certainly good medicine, but we find that the sun here is much stronger than up north and it burns marks on our skins. The creams don't help much, so we cover uo as much as we can.

I am struggling to find one of those cloth flap neck caps that the prospectors wear, as this K-WAY flap neck cap that I wear was made in China and it is useless in the wind.


Cloth neck cover bush caps are super expensive of late, easier to buy heavy cotton size of a large handkerchief and stitch it onto back of a cheaper cap. We have a couple originals from scouting days still in use for hiking.

Suppliers to fishermen or outdoor warehouse may still keep them on the shelf, or possibly you may have a scout shop down that way.

Scout Shop Cape Town you can always remove the name, not sure if they sell direct to public though.


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