Thanks for letting me know,, I guess? (Did any other Azon merchants get this email?)

in #amazondotcom5 years ago (edited)

Hey steemitizens,

Did any other amazon merchants around here just get this email?

This email has about as much information in it as a stinc update, and leaves me just as uncomfortable about what might have occurred or what might happen next...

Thanks for letting me know, I guess?



This email has about as much information in it as a stinc update...

Lol, ouch...

The more one says, the more ammo there is for the lawyers and panic-prone.
...avec deux lignes de l'ecriture d'un homme on pouvoit faire le proces au plus innocent, parce qu'on pouvoit sur cette matiere ajuster si bien les affaires, que facilement on y pouvoit faire trouver ce qu'on voudroit.
-- attributed to Cardinal Richelieu by Françoise Bertaut de Motteville 1723

il est également possible de paraître vraiment stupide sans rien dire du tout.
--attributed to SirCork and Google Translate, 2018

It's my favourite survival strategy. :)

I know somebody else it has served monstrously well, also. :O

Heh. Too much of a good mood to take the bait on that one. Been into the Russia rap-rave as research for an upcoming music review article. This stuff has me simultaneously laughing and horrified.

It was a no-reply-needed observation.

sounds like that music is a no-observation-needed reply from me too :)

Are you sure it's from amazon? a few things that i noticed was in the link on the bottom was http and not https and the A was cap in the link

Yeah, that's part of whats bemusing about it...

from: [email protected]
to: [email protected]
date: Nov 21, 2018, 12:35 AM
subject: Important Information about your Account
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

I would mail amazon directly (not clicking on any links to them) and ask them if this is legit. Should be interesting in seeing how they reply.

I'm not sure I care enough to bother to do much more than mock them on steem :D

I got the exact same e-mail, but only once at was to my merchant account e-mail address. Normally the spam and phishing attempts arrive at the many e-mail accounts I have that have nothing to do with Amazon.

It isn't telling us much though really, doesn't even mention if it was a business or personal address they revealed.

#thealliance #witness