White Pride

in #american6 years ago

The political nonsense about white privilege, white cultural and white America is about as shallow as politics can get.

White people in the U.S.A. value American culture.

The political narrative that blacks and other ethnicities have been relegated to the back seat of American culture is what you might hear from politicized friends, but minorities are entwined in the fabric of American Culture going back to before the American Revolution.

Blacks are heavily represented, maybe even disproportionately, in American Culture today. Muhamid Ali didn't influence American Culture? Malcolm X? Fredrick Douglas? Martin Luther King? Jesse Owens? Jimi Hendrix? I can go on for days.

Minorities are over-represented in sports and entertainment, but I don't hear white Americans complaining about it. American Culture is about finding the best and making it better. American Culture is full of immensely talented and dedicated people striving for a better world. Believing white America wants anything different is political insanity.

Those who don't want to understand American Culture probably aren't willing to defend Americans anyway.

Say what you will about white people, they insisted on a Free America and were willing to fight wars to make it so. They didn't do it alone and they didn't do it for "white" America.

Incidentally, Jimi Hendrix was 101st Airborne, briefly, but still Airborne. #AmerianCulture
