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RE: Tear-Gassing Children (It's Bad)

in #anarchy6 years ago

There is plenty of manipulation of reality going on all sides here.
So lets say Adam K. pays a train car full of people of all sizes and shapes to come overrun your home. take it over. and make themselves at home in your home. Do you just invite them in?
I believe in letting peaceful people cross borders freely. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole mess was being paid for through the back door by the current administration to set up the wall. but that being said violently storming the gates is for the show. the official judge endorsed policy right now is if they walk up to a gate and claim asylum they are in. They are in despite what the fuhrer says. So why storm the gate unless you are just trying to create a show for the camera .
If you knock, I will likely invite you in. If you storm my door, I am likely on the other side preparing to defend me and mine.


There is no analogy to be drawn between private property boundaries and national borders. Government territorial claims are not property rights as defined by homesteading and voluntary exchange. You don't own other people or their property. Governments don't own people or their property despite their claims to the contrary. Nationalism is intellectual sloth made manifest.

I am familiar with the philosophy and for the most part subscribe to it. But my point was that these folks could have walked right in especially if they have children with them. They know they could have and yet they rushed the boarder. It was a show in my opinion.
Not saying it was ok to use the gas canisters.

Trump was making a big show of defending the imaginary line in the dirt specifically for his own propaganda purposes. Why do you think there were people to launch tear gas in the first place? And this was a small group from the migrant caravan, the majority of which had changed course. What is the "rushed the border"argument about? people want to cross quickly. And I can't blame them if they did throw objects at the border patrol thugs, which is as far as I know is thus far just an assertion made by those thugs.

Right now they can have asylum by approaching an agent at the border and claiming asylum. I acknowledge trumps show of force but those poor folks who hiked an extra 5oo miles to rush the border at Tijuana’s port of entry were either really stupid or had there own agenda. Hell trump could even be the ones paying them. I’m just saying they had an agenda.

Could be a perfectly good reason to go for that port of entry. What's on the other side of Tijuana again? Oh, right, a major US city in a state with a significant Hispanic population and a government that could be perceived as more immigrant-friendly than, say, Texas.

You own your home. I own my home. Neither of us owns half a continent. Your analogy is therefore 100% bogus.

You kind of missed my point I think. I probably didn’t communicate it well enough. These people can walk across right now. All they have to do is approach an agent and claim assyilum. So why the rush of the imaginary line, with rocks and sticks, having your children lead the charge. I get the anarchist no border idea I am not arguing it. I am saying this was a staged show for the masses.

So let them rush. Catch them individually, or at locations in the interior. Tear gas is pretty violent.