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RE: A Friendly Message to the Steemit Anarchist Community

in #anarchy8 years ago

Anarchist here. "Conservative and libertarian types" are not my natural allies. They are my enemies. As are people who express Islamophobia as you went on to do later in your post.


Care to expand on why we're enemies now?

Playing the Islamophobe card as well? First -- Islamophobe implies I have an irrational fear based on misunderstanding. Its not irrational because I can recognize patterns well enough to see whats going on in the world whenever the pushers of Sharia come to play; its not 'fear' -- it is trying to wake up those around me of the threats that do actually exist in this world. My understanding of Islam is based on research and experience.

I have a problem with Islam and the violence it tends to produce around the globe. I do not have a problem with Muslims who have no desire to force their views with the sword.